"The Chase"

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We finally got down from the sky.

My head was hurting from flying up for so long

I got down and my feet .

Finally .... Grass? 

"Hey you guys picked a great campsite. The grass is so soft" Toph said

"That's not grass. Appa's shedding" Sokka told Toph

"Oh, gross." Katara said

"That's not gross. it's just a part of spring. You know , rebirth ,flowers blooming and Appa gets a new coat" Aang told all of us

"Ahh. The beauty of spring" Katara said

Appa then sneezed making his old coat go on all of us.

Some got inside my mouth 

"AH" I spit out Appa coat hair

"stop, Appa, Stop!" Katara said starting to cough

"It's not that bad Katara . It makes a great wig" Sokka said wearing Appa's coat as a wig

"And a great beard" Aang said with a beard

They both laughed .

I smiled it was funny to see them make stuff off of Appa coat

"I'm just glad we finally have two more girls in the group because you two are disgusting" Katara said

"Excuse me , Does anyone have a razor?" Toph asked

"Because I got some hair pits " with Appa's hair on her armpits 

They all laughed

Aang then sneezed throwing himself back into Appa's side 

Me and Katara then both laughed

{Some time later}

Both boys were all setting up our things 

But I helped with things

Katara then went up to Toph 

"So, Toph, usually when setting up camp. We try to divide up the work " Katara told Toph

"Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go." Toph replied

" Well , actually , what I'm trying to say is some of us might fetch water while someone else might set up the fire pit or put up the tent. Even Momo does his fair share."

"Katara ,I'm fine. I can carry my own weight . I don't need a fire . I've already collected my own food and look . My tent's all set up" Toph said earthbended

"Well, that's great for you but we still need to finish-"

"I don't understand . What's the problem here?" Toph told Katara

"Never mind" Katara said 

{Little time skip} 

Aang then airbended the seat that was top of Appa . But accidentally fell it on Sokka. 

"Oops,Sorry!" Aang said

I helped Sokka up.

I noticed Toph having a little earth tent around her 

then noticed Katara looking at her too. 

"Hey toph , I wanted to apologize for it earlier . I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each other's nerves " Katara told Toph walking up to her

"Yeah You do seem pretty tired " Toph said to Katara 

"I meant all of us!" Katara said

"Well good night"Toph told Katara and went inside her little earth tent 

𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐨 (toph x fem!reader) ! OLD VERSION !Where stories live. Discover now