"Bitter work"

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"Today's the day" Aang said

"Can you believe it?" 

"After all that time searching for a teacher, I'm finally starting earthbending and this place it's perfect"

"Don't you think?"


Sokka growls that Aang

"Oh you're still sleeping huh?"

Sokka growls again but this time goes deeper inside his sleeping bag


I woke up from the ground shaking

I thought maybe it was just me

but I saw Katara get up

"Good morning, earthbending student!"Toph said to Aang

"Good morning, Sifu Toph" Aang told Toph

"hey you never call me sifu katara" Katara said tiredly 

"Well, if you think I should " Aang said

Sokka then growls loudly

"Sorry, snoozles. We'll do our earthbending quietly as we can" Toph said

Toph then earthbends a pillar under Sokka throwing him on the air.

Sokka then screams 

He hits the ground really hard

"uh Sokka are you okay?" I asked

He just grumbles hoping away with his sleeping bag

"So what moves are you gonna teach me first? Rockalanche, the trembler? Oh maybe I can learn to make a whirlpool out of land"

"Well , let's start with , move a rock " Toph said

"Sounds good , Sounds good!" Aang said

"This will be fun to watch" I said  

Me and Katara watched from afar

"The key to earthbending is your stance . You got to be steady and strong" Toph told Aang

"Rock is a stubborn element. If you're going to move it . You've got to be like a rock yourself" 

"Like a rock, Got it" Aang said

"Good" Toph replied 

"Now that actual motion of this one is pretty simple" Toph then earthbends the boulder to the other side

"Ok. you ready to give it a try?" 

"I'm ready!" Aang said

Aang trys but instead of throwing the rock he throws himself .

"Rock beats airbender!" I heard Sokka say

Katara and I then went down

"I don't understand what went wrong"Katara told Aang

"He did it exactly the way you did it"

"Maybe there's another way" Aang said

"What if I came at the boulder from a different angle?"

"No. That's the problem . You've got to stop thinking like an airbender" Toph said hitting Aang head

"There's no different angle no, clever solution, no trickity-trick , that's gonna move that rock" Toph told Aang pushing him

"You've got to face it head-on and when I say head-on , I mean like this"Toph then threw herself to the rock head first.

The rock then broke.

𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐨 (toph x fem!reader) ! OLD VERSION !Where stories live. Discover now