"Did I read about this feeling?"

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"Let's start walking" Katara told all of us

"Well why is it" Toph said to me ignoring Katara

I then see Katara walk up to us

"Come on the wall isn't that far"

I nodded

I could tell that Toph was getting annoyed at this point

'But I don't even know myself, Toph'

I walked next to Katara

I kept thinking about

Why I have been having these feelings





"Aang, what are you doing here? I thought you were looking for Appa" I heard a Katara say

Hearing Katara's voice made me zone back

I then saw Aang in front of us

"I was but something stopped me.. Something big" Aang said

We all ran to the wall

Aang and Toph earthbends us up the wall

While we were getting earthbend I heard Sokka say

"Now what's so big that Appa has to wait?"

"That." Aang said

It was a big machine

"Yeah..I have a feeling that thing is no good" I said

We finally reach the top of the wall

"We made it to Ba Sing Se and we're still not safe. No one is" Ying says

"What are you people doing here? Civilians aren't allowed on the wall" A guard says

"I'm the Avatar . Take me to whoever's in charge" Aang told them

The guards then took us to whoever was in charge

"It is an honor to welcome you to the Outer Wall, young Avatar" The man in charge said

"But your help is not needed" He added

"Not needed?" Aang repeated

"Not needed." He said

"I have the situation under control"

"I assure you . The fire nation cannot penetrate this wall. Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded"

"What about the Dragon of the West? He got in" Toph said

"W-well, technically, yes . But he was quickly expunged"

I looked at Toph , who looked annoyed.

I don't know it was from me or him

"Nevertheless, that's why the city is named Ba Sing Se"

"It's the impenetrable city" He said

"They don't call it Na Sing Se!"He added laughing

We were all quiet

'Doesn't that mean penetrable city?'

"That means penetrable city.." He said in a serious tone

"Yeah, thanks for the tour.But we still got the drill problem" Toph said

𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐨 (toph x fem!reader) ! OLD VERSION !Where stories live. Discover now