Hayley's P.O.V.

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Author's Note:

Get ready for the juiciest chapter of all time! Time to get into the good stuff!

And don't stop reading! It will only get better!



I guess school was starting off well. I made some new friends, and I think hanging out with them would be really fun.

"Hayley Stone, what year was the war we are talking about take place?"



Teachers always do that to see if you were paying attention. I wasn't surprised. And they always wanted to get you in trouble if you weren't actually listening to them and just zoning out. I was half listening, half zoning out, which will get you pretty far if the teacher calls on you to see if you are actually listening.

Suddenly, my hand started to twitch and shake a little. It was constantly itching and it was turning red. This was weird. I tried to hide it from the class because I didn't want to have to get sent to the nurses office, and luckily, I succeeded. Finally, the bell rang and it was time for my next class.

After history, my next period was math. And I hated math so much. I was going to fail this class on the first day.

"Welcome to your new math class," the teacher Ms. Smith said.

"Hi," I said drowsily.

"Today we are going to start our first unit on area."

"So fun," I mumbled.

My hand was still throbbing red, but I still refused to do anything about it. But I guess I should have because things were about to get creepy. I really wanted to just be at home getting bandages and not in this boring class listening to an introduction.

"Whoa," I muttered.

A sharp chill went through me. Instantly, I wasn't in class anymore. I was at my home. That is so weird because that is where I wanted to be instead of math class.

I walked around my home, and everything was normal. I could touch, hear, smell, see, and taste. This couldn't be a dream. All I wanted now was to be back in math class.

Then a cold chill went through me and I transported back to the classroom. Could I teleport? Did people see me disappear? I think my body was still in the classroom, but my spirit left and formed a new body when I got to my house. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I just did that! I have to tell my friends at lunch!

"Ring, ring."

Ok, time to go tell them. It is weird that I got this special ability on the first day of high school and the first day I met those four girls. Just weird.

I got to the tree, and when I arrived, everyone was looking a little weird. I asked why.

"You guys looked like you just saw something that scarred you for life. Spill the beans."

"Um, I don't think that I can." Said Jasmine. "I don't think you would approve."

"Me neither," Rose said.

"I think we all can't tell each other what happened," Carter said. "Because it is too abnormal to even thinking about doing, let alone telling someone about it."

"Well, if we all did something weird, we know we could trust each other. Besides, we need to figure why these special things are happening to us, why they are happening to us four specifically, and why they came today when we met, on the first day of school." I said. I really wanted to figure this mystery out. "So let's tell each other what happened, it won't hurt you guys. This is the only way we are going to be able to figure it out.

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