Rose's P.O.V.

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"Ring, ring." My alarm set off abruptly. "Yes, yes, yes!" I shouted. I had been up practically the whole night waiting for school to come. I have been studying like crazy, and reading everything I could. This was going to be the best school year ever. I would get all A's and be able to continue the extra advanced math track. That was like the most fun thing ever! But there was one problem. It was still to easy for me. What am I going to do? I was already smarter than some of my second year teachers. I am thinking about becoming one of the smartest people in the world. I will probably set a couple world records, and get pretty famous like Albert Einstein. One of the teachers at this school even asked me why I go here, and that I should go to a way more advanced school... maybe even college. Well, I am going to college next year because I am so advanced! That will be a breeze too. I'm thinking Yale... Eh, too easy. I'll do some research.
"Rose sweetie! I have breakfast ready for you. And your school starts in 30 minutes!"
"K mom. Be down"

Quickly I threw on a pair of platform boots, skater skirt, and a blouse. I also decided to curl my hair at the tips too.

I then walked down stairs to eat my breakfast. As I was eating, I noticed out bird, Cracker, was sleeping still.
"Cracker?" I nudged him and he still didn't wake up. He is usually up before our whole family.
"Cracker!?" I said louder. "Wake up!" He didn't. He just stood on his post, half sleeping, half...
"Rose, don't worry, he will be fine... I think. Right after I drop you off at school, I will take him to the vet."
"Ok." I almost shed a tear. "Lets go."
Then I remembered "Wait, mom... Were we supposed to wear a UNIFORM???"
"Uhm... sweetie, I don't know."
"I guess I will just wear this. and if we were supposed to I will call you!"
"Sounds good. Now don't freak out."
"I still am."
"Relax, Rose. It will be fine."
"Ok mom. Let's go."

The whole way to school I was nervous about two things, my uniform, and my bird. I don't want to be the only one at school now wearing a uniform, but I also didn't want my bird to die. Wow. Life could change in just a few minutes.

"We are here sweetie. Good luck at school. Trust me, I don't think you changed to wearing uniforms this year. You didn't last year. You will be fine, ok?"
"Yea, mom, ok. That's true. But they could have... just saying."
"Bye. Love you."
"Bye." And I hopped out of the car. They could have changed to uniforms. They said they were going to get more fancy.
I rushed into school as fast as I could. If I was going to be socially humiliated, I had to do it fast. The first person I came up to I frantically asked if we were supposed to wear a uniform.
"Were we supposed to wear our uniforms today?!?!?!?!?"
"Um, no. At least I don't think so." She said.
"Me neither." The girl next to her said.
"You look confused." I said. The girl was wearing a lavender shirt, and looked really nervous.
"Um, yeah. About that. I've never really been to a real American high school. It is much bigger and confusing.
"You have NEVER been to a real high school?!? How do you survive?"
"That's what I said." The girl I first talked too said.
"I told her I would help her adjust to the new "climate"."
"That is not enough. One person can't adjust someone to a regular high school from India and who doesn't even want to go here!"
"Wait... Um... how did you know that! Stalker!"
"I think you said that." I said. I really didn't know how I knew that.
"Well, I didn't." She said.
"Whatever. Just a lucky guess!"
"Mhm. For all I know, you could be a scary witch." She giggled.
"Oh, common." I laughed.
"So you want to help me?" The Indian girl said.
"Sure. So you want to go to library together. You guys are pretty nice. What are your names?"
"Jasmine." Said the girl who had the lavender shirt.
"Hayley." Said the other.
"How did you guys meet?" I asked as we were walking to the library.
"Bus." Jasmine said.
"Yeah."Hayley said.
"Cool." I said. "Now let's go teach you some sense."

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