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Jack Kelly. You better sleep with one eye for the rest of your life. Not even your position as the former strike leader or the leader of Manhattan could protect you from my wrath. Heck, I would even love to shove him into the East River, personally! No, that was a horrible example, especially since it was the worst time to remind myself of Tommy's near-death experience. But regardless, how could Jack completely disregard my request? Why did he think it was alright for him to go behind my back and tell Tommy what I never intended for him to find out? He knew very well that Tommy could have reacted poorly; he could have accused him of lying; he could have left and never come back because he did not want to deal with the pressure from everyone forcing him to make amends with me when he was not ready yet.

However, Tommy never did any of that. Surprisingly, he reacted in a way that I did not expect: instead of becoming angry and offensive, he accepted the news, dared to approach me, and even thanked me. What had changed? What made Tommy believe Jack when he never had in previous encounters? Tommy most likely would have asked for evidence from Jack, which he could not provide. What had changed in their relationship? How had it changed? When had Tommy stopped hating me as much as he did? Why did he not hate me as much as he did? None of it made sense.

When I walked into Newsies Square, any thoughts about Tommy disappeared the moment I noticed Jack. He was going to pay the price for going behind my back like that.

"Jack! I got a bone to pick with you!" Jack only looked at me with that stupid smirk on his face. What is so funny about this situation? I do not find anything about this situation!

"What is the issue, Finch?"

"You know very well what the issue is! Do not pretend that you do not!"

"Why don't we talk about this in private? You are kind of attracting unwanted attention." Jack noted, still having that dumb smile on his face. 

"Fine." Jack led me into a corner of Newsies Square. "Ok, now we are alone. Why did you tell Tommy what happened?"

"Because he deserved to know the truth."

"Maybe, but there was a reason that I did not want him to find out yet."

"And what was the reason?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Jack. He could have reacted in any way, and you know that. You would never have known how he could have taken the news. He might not have believed you."

"But he did, and he even talked with you afterward, so what is the problem?"

"Well... You still should not have told him. At least without telling me first."

"Because you were too afraid that it would push him further away from you? And you were too afraid that it would ruin whatever chances you had left to make amends with him?"

"He would never believe anything that would come out of my mouth, and he didn't believe you when you said that I helped out in making the money to rescue him from Harlem, so what made you think that he would believe that I calmed him down after his encounter with Henry and Buttons? By the way, have those two bothered him since the incident?"

"No, after that incident, they would not even look at him. It is less work for me to keep them separated, though."

"Good. It is less work for him to hunt them down and soak them." Jack chuckled at that.

"Anyway, I can understand your concerns, especially since it was so surprising that he believed me that quickly. But he did, so there is no issue."

"But why? He has every reason to hate me still, and so far, he has not believed that I actually helped him during that Harlem incident, so what changed?"

"Why don't you ask him that?"

"No. It is still too early to attempt an actual reconciliation with him. I do not want him to feel forced to make attempts with me when he is not ready. He will be more stressed out that way, and that will only push him further away from me. I would rather have him come to me than me chasing him down all the time."

"Understandable. So, is that all you wanted to talk about? Because those newspapers are not going to sell themselves, and I do not want the Weasel or the Delanceys running down our backs."

"Agreed. Let's go." It was still not the dream life anyone wanted, but it was our life and routine, and we all had to live with it. It was all simple: stand in line, buy the newspapers, and sell them at your usual spot. But as some routines turn out, it could change in an instant.

"Hey, Finch?" Tommy? Why was Tommy, of all people, approaching and talking to me?

"What do you want?"

"I thought that maybe... Do you want to sell newspapers together?"

"What?" What did he just ask me? Did I hear him correctly?

"Do you want to sell newspapers together?"

"Why?" Actually, do not question it. It would make his situation worse than it already was. "I mean... Sure, why not?"

"How about we head over to your usual spot? I haven't really been to my spot since... The incident."

"Yeah, we can do that." What was the motive? What reason would Tommy ever have to want to sell newspapers with me? If anything did not make sense, it was that. After a while, we sold all our newspapers, and I was about to head in the direction of the lodging house when Tommy spoke up again.

"Why did you push me down the stairs?" It was a very blunt and straightforward question. So, that was why he wanted to sell papers with me. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.

The Disgraced Newsie( Tommy Boy Alternate)Where stories live. Discover now