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chapter seven
magnificently cursed

"Seems like you don't know me very well then."


In some ways it was nice to know Greek Gods existed because then you had somebody to blame when things went wrong. For instance getting a perfectly good bus ruined and all of someone's bags burnt to ashes. On top of that being soaked in rain next to the smell of the Hudson River.

Grover and Annabeth marched on forward as she insisted they had to keep moving, the farther away they could from the site the better. Percy and Y/n lingered behind, their hands no longer intertwined after they realized and quickly let go of each other, pretending it never happened.

"You shouldn't have helped us you know" She spoke up amidst the eerie silence, a hint of anger underlying.

"Oh yeah I should've definitely just let you all die." He replied, nodding his head with a thin smile.

"What I mean is you getting involved, you could've died, not only would that suck for you but it would also suck for me and Annabeth because it would mean the quest is over."

"Do you really want to be a part of this quest that bad?" Percy's eyebrows shot up, "The majority of it is trying not to be killed, if I were you and had the option to not be a part of it I would."

Her head hung low as she kicked a few rocks far in the distance accidentally hitting grover in the shin.

"OW" He yelped and jumped as best as someone with fake legs could.

"SORRY!" Y/n yelled out, forgetting what Percy had even asked her, "What did you say seaweed brain?"

Percy's eyebrows shot up at the mention of the new nickname, "Seaweed brain...?" He stopped himself and rolled his eyes rubbing his temples, "You know what, I don't even wanna know."

She chuckled lowly to herself but kept quiet, signaling for Percy to continue with his question. For two kids with ADHD, it's really hard to remain focused on a single subject during a conversation and not forget what you were talking about, or what you were going to say after interruptions had occurred.

Percy sighed and swallowed a lump in his throat, "I was asking if you seriously want to be a part of this quest that bad, I mean it's dangerous, any of us can die at any moment."

Y/n took a moment to herself, she breathed, thought of words, kicked a few rocks, careful not to maim Grover again, "Look Percy, there's a lot of things about me that you're in the dark of..." She looks to him and he's already looking at her. His expressions show that he understands, he won't pry unless she feels comfortable.

"That's a talk for another time though, back to your question. It's just that I barely get any chances to look at the outside world, to prove myself worthy and capable of doing certain things, of being a good warrior, daughter, di immortales--- a good person. It's so hard to just live inside that bubble even though to some it looks and feels like paradise. And out here," She gestures her hands all around the nature and space surrounding them, "This is where you get real experience to improve your skills and lead you to being great." She feels like she has spoken too much so she apologizes as a natural reflex.

Percy takes her words in, "Well the way I see it, with the moves you pulled back there, you're already great." He smiled sweetly at her, and though she appreciated it, she still couldn't believe the words. And she also didn't know if Percy Jackson was as trustworthy as he seemed to be.

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