Chapter 24. Defeat

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Chapter 24. Defeat

Tee was ready to accept and negotiate on anything that could assure his life with Tae. He could care less about his zero balance or no home under his name, but he was trembling with fear even with the thought if living without Tae. He was still kneeling in front of his parents to listen to the final verdict and he knew Tae was only holding himself back because had asked him to.

"So you love him so much that you are ready to give away everything? More than your parents? What if he kicks you out? Who would you be? Once you wave off everything under my name, you wont even be a Jarujitaranon. Do you even realise the game you are betting on Tee"? His father said in an indifferent tone.

"I dont love him more than you Mom Dad. I love you the most. I can do anything for your happiness and you know that. But i cannot live without him Mom, Dad. Even if he kicks me out someday, i wont bother you i promise. I wont claim anything back, not even my surname". Tee said with a sadness lingering in his voice. He never wanted to choose one side. He wanted his parents to accept his husband too so that he could live happily being complete. But guess that not gonna happen.

"You think you can be generous than us? Your parents"? His mom spoke this time. But this time he only shook his head. He was tired emotionally and physically. "Stand up Thanapon". She almost hissed at him. Tee took a deep breath and stood up, stumbling upon his feet. He was just this close to fall down when Tae came and engulfed him in his arms. He softly placed a kiss on his temples when Tee looked at him with soft eyes.

Tae felt he was a selfish person. Only if he had not meddled with Tee's life, he didnt have to face this situation. But he loved Tee so much that he couldnt let him go. He only stood with Tee to face his fate and promised himself to never let him go.

"Tee Thanapon. I....". His mom sighed coming close to him. She  gently cupped his face in her hands. Tee just leaned into her touches. His eyes teared up as he didnt even remember when was the last time she held his face. "Honey. Look, our son has grown up into such a fine man". She said to her husband who surprisingly looked calm too.

"Tee. Son. I know its not easy to accept the wrong doing, especially when its your parents who did wrong to their only son. But .. I hope you will understand. Today, i, actually we have been looking at you for a long time. Dont think that we dont know where you live and all. We saw how dedicated he is to you. How much he chrished you.

I wont say i wasnt paranoid or scared. Baby, we are dealing in this fake business world, where everyone is hungry for wealth and power. We got blinded too baby. We thought the only way to reach the top is to hop on anything and everything in your path. Without caring about your children or their feeling.

We thought Tae might do the same to do. He would hunt you down for your money. And so your friends. To be honest, at one point, Thanitt did confirm our doubt, when he was over possessive not to let you go". His mom smiled at Thanitt who sheepishly scratched his nape.

"We are not angry with you son, considering the fact that it was us, who did wrong to our precious boy. Tee, can you be kind enough to forgive us? We have just realised, there is no power and wealth than our children. I want to repay for everything i did to you, for everytime that i hurt you. I dont need anything but your smile Tee. Can we have our son back"? His father came forward and this time Tee couldnt hold himself. He launched himself in the warm, gentle embrace of his father. The same hug that he would've him when he was a kid. When there was no wall of materialistic things between them. When Tee was their sunshine.

"Am so sorry mom dad for hurting you, for shouting at you. For blaming you. Please forgive me". Tee was a cute angel. One, who could never hurt anyone, even if they hurt him bad.

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