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Tee exit the surgery room after a successful surgery of a man in his late 30ties. The man undergo an open heart surgery and ofcourse the hospital put Tee's name as the patient's first preference. He was a surgeon for past 2 years. New, young, still a professional like his seniors.

Thanitt and Copter had moved to the states as they got better future options to grow together. Singto and Krist had 1 year old twins. And it was one of the nerve wrecking surgeries that Thanitt had to assist because Krists's twins were born with a condition where the babies are joined by their limbs in the womb. And that happened when the twins were born with their lower half joined by their spinal cord.

Tee remembered the 18 hours Thanitt spent in the emergency with his seniors while Krist was put on sedatives so that he would stay asleep while Singto kept pacing here and there whole time. Though he knew the best team is dealing, still he couldnt sit in peace. It was his twins after all. And he only burst into tears when Copter came out of the Nursery where kids were put under intensive care. Max and Tul, they were married too. Currently working with Tae along Singto and Krist.

They had came a long way and much more to go. Tae and Tee had moved to their new home. The one they built with their scholarships and jobs. Though their parents offered them a big one, but they refused politely. They didnt want to hurt each other's ego. It was small, cozy and their personal space. They would spend their night sitting in the chair in their small space porch. Enjoying their tea over chat.

"Welcome home love". Tae looked Tee entering their home. He turned off the stove and went to hug him with a sweet little kiss.

"I stink of antiseptics Tae". Tee reminded him but melted in his embrace anyway.

"You smell of Tee baby". Tae inhaled his neck and sighed in peace. He felt himself getting relaxed after a whole day spending without Tee. "Let me take bath hmmm. I will join you soon". Tee pulled off a bit to look into those dark eyes that held a whole universe for him. Tae nodded kissing his forehead before letting him go.

Tee took a quick bath, changing into the clothes Tae had placed for him on the bed. He smiled at the affection of his husband. He walked out and saw Tae just dishing up his favorite Carbonara Noodles served with scallops, shrimps with extra spicy sauce. A portion of pork fat, steamed and roasted. Tee loved it. It was everything he loved.

Tae held out a chair for him and took his seat once Tee was comfortably sitting.

"Yummy. Whats the occasion baby"? Tee tasted a bit of mashed potatoes before thinking if he forgot anything.

"Well .. Just wanted to spoil my hardworking husband". Tae was simple. He never sugar coated his words. Tee felt his heart dropped for a moment. This whole week he was so busy that he didnt spent some quality time with Tae, but he was so understanding that he never complained. He knew the tough job of being a doctor and he had promised to stand with Tee no matter what.

He slipped off his chair and went to sit with Tae in his lap. He cupped the warm cheeks of the man he loved the most. The man who was his world. He always gave and never demanded. He could have chosen his dream job, but he refused to take the offer just because he couldnt leave Tee alone. He started with scratch to build a little fortune for his family, his Tee.

"I am sorry Tae". Tee whispered. Tae looked at him with confusion. Why was he sorry?

"What happened baby? You okay"? Tae cupped his face in his hands and smiled when Tee leaned in.

"You have to suffer a lot because of me. You have to compromise on so many things. Your dream job, your favorite bike. You had to work hard to build your company from the scratch. And now you have to wait for my duty to end to make any plan. I am sorry baby". Tee said in a low voice. Tae looked at him and chuckled at him being cute.

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