part1( fight before aniversary )

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Name- Kim namjoon
Age -17 years
Marital status - married
Personality- cute , beautiful ,clumsy ( god of distruction ) ,samrt , intelligent .

Family - have a husband Kim seok jin .
Have 2 brothers joen jimin and Jeon jungkook .
Jeon jimin
Namjoon's eldest brother . He is 21 years old . Work as a mafia in seok jin gang and have a husband named Kim yoongi elder brother of jin . He is well trained in arm fighting and common fighting ( 😅 I'dont know what you say a fight using hand and body parts ) also well known about weapon. Also work as weapon dealer and trainer .
Jeon jungkook
Namjoon elder and and younger then jimin. He is 20 years old goes to university and works as a data hacker in jin's gang .he has a husband named Kim teahyung ( younger brother of jin) .

So basically jin has two brother one elder and a younger jin is the mafia king of underworld he is 23 years old .
His elder brother yoongi is 25 years old and a very good fighter ,spiner Nd hacker too a very well trained mafia .
His younger brother teahyung is 21 years old goes in uni and also work in gang as a plan developer information gatherer. Besides these he also have cousin jung hoesek aka hobi he also works in gang plays a very important role .He has a boyfriend named kai who reads in same school as namjoon senior of him but only friend of him .

So I guess introduction is too big because I like to explain things better

In a big room and on a big king size bad a beautiful boy was sleeping with a very adorable and cute face decorated with pout on his pink lips . Suddenly a alaram bell rings . The boy groans and woke up stretching his limbs .

NJ- This alarm again . (Groan).let's get up namjoon. Let's - ( he notices his side ) jinie where is he .He is always beside me when I wake up . Must be busy. Oh namjoon get your lazy ass to the bathroom and get ready for school

Jin already went out  in the early morning to finish some works After sometime jin reached home . He enters in leaving room and saw namjoon coming downstairs while jumping on each stair like a baby ( also like me lol 😁 😅). Jin smiled to him but he got a call .jin stared talking on phone NJ approached him but he was focused on phone .
"hello hyung morning" NJ wished jin and kissed his cheek he was about to kiss his lips but jin suddenly made a turn while still on phone . He looked serious than before . He hurriedly made his way out of the house while saying " how dare that fucker. Wait there I am going . I want evrything ready ". With that he got in the car and left the mansion .

Nj huffed ." What happened to him now . Maybe there is problem in the company".he sighed while shaking his head and holding his bagpack on his shoulder he was about to leave but a maid stopped her . " Good morning young master breakfast is ready please have a seat I will serve." She said with a little bow." Good morning aunt Lee but I am not in a mood to eat breakfast . I will eat something in canteen .ok bye " with these words
He went to the car and driver drop him to school

Time skip to school
Nj reached at achool . He enters the school hallway making his way to the lockers. " Hey joon " . Hearing his name bieng called nj turned around to see his only best friend kai waving towards him . Kai ran towards nj and put a hand on his shoulder " hey Jonnie , how are you ?" Kai said with a happy smile dancing on his lips . " I am fine hyung. What about you ?" " Oh I am fine but my mood is not fine " kai said and pouted his lips in a sad one ." Why though ?" Nj asked him which kai replied"it's because of your brother in law aka my boyfie jung hoseok . He isn't picking my calls from last night and not a single reply to any of my textes." He said with a huff in the end . " Don't kai he must be busy you know jin hyung also couldn't talk to me in the morning he came home in Morning and after a call he was very serious nad left again. They must any issue. Ok " he said a reassuring smile showing his dimples.
"I think you are right joonah let's got to class. Bye TC ." Kai said and ran off to his class .

Later that day jin texted a sorry and cute gif to nj for his behaviour towards the younger In morning. Nj was in a great mood ater this . So he decied to have lunch .

Now he is returning from catearia ater having his lunch .he went to locker . He was about to open it but someone smashed his head from behind in the locker . A painful voice left nj mouth . He put hand over his forehead where it had the effect and turned around to see who the fuck that stupid was.
Just as he turned around he gasped in horrer when he saw his bullybam bam standing there with a smirk dangling on his lips .
" Hey nerd . How are you doing ? " He said with a small chuckle. Nj just huffed and replied " I am not in a mood to put on a fight so just get out of my way " he said irritatedly and almost raised his voice in the last ." Cat got tounge. I see " bam said moking.he was about to say again but nj has already took his books so he pushed him out of way and ran off which resulted in bambam hitting his bottom on floor .

School was over namjoon applied some makeup on his bruises and went off .
He came home he straight went to his study room and started studying . what felt like 7 hours of continuous study he stoop up from his study table at 10pm . He made his way to the dining room .
" Has jin hyung arrived " he asked one of the maid which she replied " no sir " . Nj only nodded . He went in the living room sat down on the couch and took out his phone . He called jin but he didn't pick up . He called a few more time but he didn't pick up . So
he called jimin to ask about jin. After a few rings he picked up.
Nj - hello hyung .how are you ?
Jimin-i am great what about you ?
Nj - I am fine hyung . Actually do you know where is jin hyung .
Jimin- oh jin hyung he is out for some work. He will be late today so don't wait for him .have your dinner on time ok bye . Good night
Nj- bye hyung .good night
With a tired sigh he got up from the couch and asked the maids to serve him dinner . He had his dinner alone and went to sleep in thier bedroom .

As jimin said jin came nearly around 1 in morning he was busy preparing for the surprise party he is throwing for his and nj's first anniversary. He ate something and went to sleep beside nj scooping him in his arms being the big spoon .

                NEXT MORNING
In the morning jin got up early then nj he went for workout and then took showr and got ready for leaving he was in the living room waiting for nj to come down so he can wish him happy aniversary. As he was waiting he got a call from jimin .
Jin - hello .
Jim- hello hyung. Their is a emergency
In the Busan ware house . We got attacked by someone and the important deal papers are missing of the new weapon consignment and the proofs which we were to hand over to the forces against max are also gone .
Jin- fuck that max . Did you checked the camera do we have any leads ?
Jin was hella angry at this moment .
Jimin - yeah hyung we kinda have a lead . Hobi and suga are right now working on tracking max. I hope we got a hold of him .
Jin- jimin this will get worse if he gets away . Prepare the army I am coming and be ready everyone .With that he hanged up .

Just then nj came and backhugged him . And said " hyungie where were you yesterday I was mis- " nj was cut off by jin's pissed voice " nj I am very stressed right now we will talk later now go ". He said removing nj's arms from his body and he was going towards his home office . Nj grabbed his hand .and said " what happened to you hyung ? Why are you angry .?" Nj was just trying to console jin but jin shouted at him .

" I said I don't wana talk go . Can't you you understand what mean . Just fucking go from here. " And that's it. Nj teared up . He immediately ran out of the house in the car and left while crying .

Jin grunted annoyence soon after he realised that he fucked up and this time really bad .

After thinking a lot he decided to finish up the problem going on first so that he can have all the peacefully with nj after that . And he left to finish that fucker who messed up with him.

Done with first chapter .

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