chapter 9

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A hope found it's way in jin's heart when he saw mark his doctor cum gang member there with a gun standing on the door. " Mark " jin called slowly which caught the attention of one's who were awake. Mark smiled towards them . Tae got up from his sitting position on the ground beside jk and jimin coming forward to suga and hobi .

" Hey , boss I am here to save ."he said making them smile . Mark came forward and was about to touch the bars when hobi stopped him . "Don't it has current ." Mark retreated his hand back . " We must find a way to stop this current so that we can unlock this cage . Mark look for the connection " suga ordered him and mark went around the cage looking for any sort of wire or circuit . He went ahead and found wire going along the wall on the floor with a connection to the circuit at the end of the cage . He followed the wire and saw it went into hole in the wall and went other side of the wall.

Mark had his gloves and boots on which were insulating so he didn't had to worry about getting a shock if he cuts the wire so he puted his gun back in its compartment and took out a small knife out of his back pocket . He crouched down near it and took the wire in his left hand and knife in the right one . He was seeing to think how to cut it ." Be careful mark " jin warned him to be careful . Mark looked at jin and nodded and averted his attention back on the wire . He lifted his left leg and puted it on the wire and held it tightly with its left hand with a safe distance between his left feet and left hand. And in one slice from the knife he cutted the wire off leaving it on the ground .

Jin came forward to touch the bars and check if the current is gone or not . Suga and hobi on his both side ready to pull jin away incase he gets a shock. He slowly lifted his hand up bringing it upto the bars and touched it . Nothing happened.he breathed out in relief . " Now please mark open the lock fast ." Jin was desperate to get out of here and get to his joonie baby and see if he was okay or not . Mark went towards the lock and pulled his gun out . Others backed away from it . " No don't shoot it gunsound can alert them ."

" Don't worry hobi boss bogum's men aren't here before coming in i and gaurds killed all the guards standing out and replaced them with our own gaurds in disguise. Bogum isn't here either ." Mark explained .

" Great, well done mark . Now let's get out of here. I wana kill that Bogum " suag said in raise hands clenching ready to chock Bogum to death . Mark came forward and shot at the lock but it didn't break.  He fired again but the lock didn't beak . He pulled out his small knife and tried to open it but it didn't open. " It's not opening boss . " Mark stated worriedly . " What " Jimin and jk said in unsion. They were thinking how they will get out of here.

" Mark you go out and first check here must be any main room of Bogum in the building he must keep the key there hidden . He wouldn't keep the key with him in the fear of losing it somewhere . So go and check and please after that also find nj and bring him here . He should be here with us so that he can be safe . He isn't safe alone.  " Jin reasoned the whole situation to mark and requested to bring his joonie here. Mark noded with a yes boss and left the room in the search of key and nj .

Much to his luck the room on the left of the room where the others are was the control room. He entered the room and saw tv screens plying CCTV footage of diffrent areas of the building with a few computers sitting on the desk under the screens . In the room there was a big study table with a leather chair infront of it . It looked like a office .

Mark searched the compartment in the table under the computers but found nothing moved to the other tables and places in the room searching for the key . But didn't get it . He searched at bogum's table and drawers but found nothing . Onething was remaining . The book self there was small book self at the corner . He went towards and took out all the books looking in them for the key but still nothing . He eyes fell on a book in the corner of the self it was thick and old he pulled it out he opened and guess What it was actually a box not a book in there was the key for the cage . Mark smiled in victory ." Yes " . He pulled out the key and put the book back in its place leaving the room . He went in search of nj looking in every room . There was one room remaining on the floor at the corner and it was locked . He suspected nj was in there.

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