chapter 7

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When Nj opened his eyes again he found himself in the same room tied to the chair . He expected that when he would open his eyes he will be with his jinie getting being cared not in this dark room with the dirty goons . But what he didn't expected was a unconscious jin infront of him tied up. His hope of getting out has decreased now. He don't know what that scary man has planned to do with them . And with jin being in this state it is almost impossible for them to get out of here safe.

The only hope for him and jin was his hyungs. He hoped his hyungs are out there and will come to save them . But when looked on his right side . His hope crashed . Because there were his hyungs lying there in a big cage cum cell which he didn't noticed was there earlier . Even after them being here he couldn't call out for them because of the tape . He felt helpless and he was scared of his and his hyungs life.

He was blaming himself in his mind for the condition his hyungs are in right now . If they hadn't come to save him they wouldn't have been trapped here . Fresh tear come out of his going down his cheeks over the dried tear stains. He sobbed softly . Nj had his head down sobbing softly .

But other side one of them was ganing his senses back. Jimin slightly stired in his sleep . His face scrunched and he slowly opened his eyes. He blinked his eyes a few times before fully opening them . The room didn't had much brightness just enough to see everything .He slowly got up noticing his surroundings . He saw he was in a cell like cage with everyone beside him . Suga was on his left and beside suga was lying hobi . On his right there was jk and tae . When he turned around he saw nj his baby brother with his head down and a unconscious jin in front of him. He felt very sad and angry by seeing nj soobing and crying . He got up and realised he was bare feet without his gloves too. He turned towards suga slowly shaking him to get him conscious.

After a few shakes suga started to gain his concious . Jimin left and moved to wake tae and jk up . While when suga came to senses he saw a senseless hobi . He shaked him making him awake . Hobi groaned in pain ." Ah !" .
Suga looked around him and they all were there . When he looked in front there was nj and jin and it pained him seeing them both like that .

Jmin was going towards the bars saying nj's name . " Nj baby . Jonnie look hyung is here. Hey -" he was cut off . When he touched the bars mhe got a shock and he was thrown away and suga caught him.

" Hey jimin . Are you okay ?"suga asked while tapping his check . The sudden scream caught nj's attention and he looked and saw his hyung were there with jimin in suga's lap . The current was of a high voltage . Jimin was still in daze . " Jimin hyung you okay?" Asked a worried jungkook .jimin slowly got up noding his head to assure kook that he is fine .

Nj was also worried about jimin but he couldn't ask him. He tried to but it was muffeld . everyone now averted their attention towards nj .jimin slowly got up and went towards the bars again. Making sure he didn't touch them." Joonie are you okay baby ? " Jimin and nj nooded his head . Jimin knew that nj was worried about him ." Don't worry joon hyung is alright . okay. Don't worry . We are here now and we will save you baby
" Jimin assured nj to let him know they will be saved . Suga came forward and looked at joon ." Hey joonie don't worry it is not your fault . I know you were blaming yourself for all this but baby don't worry okay we are here to save you and we will." Suga smiled a little after he finished so that nj can stop crying . And it worked nj calmed down and was no more crying .

" How are we gonna get out of here yoongi . We possibly can't because of the current running in the bars we can't even touch them. " Hobi asked yoongi . Yoongi turned to him and replied" you are right hobi we can't do anything without getting out and only one person cam get us out ." Suga said and glanced towards nj and jin . " Nj ?" Tae asked curiously but suga shook his head " no not joonie . It's jin he is the one who can get us out but we have to wake him up before anyone comes . He will get out of his bounds after waking up and he can get us out by finding the source of current and turning it off .

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