chapter 8.

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⚠️Voilence and rape scenes ⚠️. Pease don't read if you are uncomfortable . I would suggest you to leave this part as it contains high voilence and truanmic scenes.

When namjoon heared the words his fear increased . Bogum just gave a smirk on nj's condition . " Don't you dare touch him, you dirty piece of shit ." It was jin to yell he had freed his hands and legs earlier now he was trying to pull out the collar around his neck . Bogum just laughed at jin " I see you managed to get yourself out of it .but you couldn't completely ."

" Bogum leave him , you have grudge with us . Take it on us , leave him . " Suga Calmly said trying to convince Bogum to leave nj . But Bogum was too filled with lust and rage to even give a shit about yoongi 's words . He just singneld his guards and two guards came froward and held nj's hands and started dragging him out . Nj was shouting and crying for them to stop and leave him but it was like yelling on a stone .no change .

Jin was agressively pulling the chain trying to get it out of the wall . Jimin and jk were pleading Bogum to leave nj Crying and begging for nj's life . But it didn't even melt his heart a little . He was going out of the room to finally have his ' beautiful night ' when jin yelled. " Park Bogum " . Bogum turned around and saw jin manged to pull out the chain from the wall . The collar was still on his neck with the chain hanging from it like a restrained tiger that was free now. He lunged forward to attack him but the guards came froward to stop jin . They held jin and jin started fighting with them.

" Boys , show him some actions but make sure he don't pass out . He has yet to see his baby in pain." They could still hear nj's cries for help clearly .the man's beated jin up . There were more than 10 guards holding him. Jin was looking too much beaten up with a busted lip , bleading forehead and swollen cheek . The guards took jin and one of them opened the door while another kept a gun on jin's head so that the boys won't try to fight . The guards were wearing gloves and non - conducting boots .so they didn't get shock from current in the cage bars .

When the door opened they just threw jin inside which was caught by hobi and softly laid down on the floor . They just locked the door again and went to Bogum . Jin gathered his strength and stood up winching in pain. He looked at Bogum . " Please Bogum I will do anything. Anything you want just leave him , don't hurt him please ." Jin pleaded . " Hmm , I can do that but for that have to kneel down and beg me to spare him ." He smirked at jin . Jin didn't think twice and started going down and went on his knees . He gulped the lump in his throat and closed his eyes before opening them again . He slowly brought his both hands together joining them. " Please , I beg you to leave and spare him ." Jimin also kneeled down before him beside jin followed by jungkook and tae , hobi and lastly yoongi . " Please leave him." Yoongi the cold man was now too pleading just to get his little brother's life spared . "See, boys the greatest mafia gang is kneeling down infront of me begging me ,tsk tsk tsk " Bogum then laughed scarsticly. " But you know what .. I don't wana spare him . Wana make you all so weak that I enjoy killing you all . And that little brid of yours will see you all die. Even though he is innocent but I will make sure to ruin him forever and don't worry jin after you all are dead I will make him my slave. You don't have you to worry about him. He will be my 'personal' slave. " Bogum eneded his words with smirk . Suga just stood up and yelled in rage . Jin fell back on the ground and jimin and jungkook were crying while holding on to Each other . Cause there was nothing they can do to save namjoon. Bogum left the room and with that a tear left from jin's eye and rolled down his face landing on the ground making a droplet beside his ear . He was angry and disappointed on himself.

Here Bogum left the crying and sad bangtan behind and reached the where nj was . The room was just 1 room ahead the one in which bangtan is . No gaurd was there only a sobbing sound could be heard and Bogum turned the door knob opening the door . In front of him was nj on a small bunk bed . His hands were tied together to the bars of the headboard and each of his legs to each end of the bed spreading his legs .Bogum stared at him with lustful eyes . The sight of nj tied up crying with red nose and red cheeks. He just wanted to make him cry more . And he really wanted it just to torture bangtan .

He smirked at nj and started going towards him removing his blazer seting it at the only chair in the room . " No -n-no ple-- please no do - don't do this . Please i-i beg you please. " Nj pleaded Bogum not to do anything with him and leave him he didn't wanted it . " Sorry , baby but you looking like a meal I can't leave you . I just want to fuck you till you can't even speak a word till you pass out ." Nj started crying more. To be honest he was sacred . The reality is he is a virgin . Yes he and jin never did anything sexual till now. They only kissed and made out that's it. He told jin that he is scared to do it now as it hurts in the first time and jin also didn't touch cause he first wanted nj to be mature and ready . He was a still a teenager . They wanted their first time to be special and with each other 's consent . But here this guy is going to do something nj was scared of. He is going to take his virginity . Which jin had right on.

He didn't wanted to be forced and raped like that. This will leave a scar on him forever. Literally rape victims suffer from very serve depression and mental health issues . It is like a life time truma they can't get over with . Nj was beyond scared to think about everything . He hoped his hyungs will come and save him but I guess that's his fate now . Nj was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt weight on the bed .

Nj looked at Bogum with horror .the man had his pants and boxers down to his thighs with his dick out . Nj again pleaded him just show some mercy . But did the monster listened.hell no he didn't. He got on his knees and staredled the boy's chest catching nj offguard and he let out a scream ." Scream as much as you can slut . I am not gonna stop you . First I am gonna fuck that pretty mouth of yours. " The tears in nj's eyes and pleades from his mouth were not stopping when Bogum leaned forward taking his dick in his hands guiding it towards nj's mouth. Nj shook his head side to side and yelled " no pease , no no no , please don't don't do it please no . " Bogum gripped his jaw and made his head still forcing his mouth open with his thumb and put his cock in . He moaned at the feeling of nj's wet mouth around his dick . He pulled his gun out of the back and pressed it against nj's forehead. " Bite it and your head would be blown . " And he started ramming in nj's mouth going in and out .nj choked on his dick. He gaged at it . When Bogum was satisfied he pulled his dick out of nj's mouth with a graon you have such a great mouth baby . " Nj couldn't stop his tears and cries . His throat was harsh. Bogum got up from his chest and sat on his waist he opened up nj 's shirt and let his chest at show for him . He started rubbing his hands up and down on it . Touching and twisting his nipples and sucking on his skin leaving marks .

He than pulled on nj's pants and boxers . Tugging them down to his knees even though nj was struggling to get out he managed to slid the boys pants and boxers down. " What a thighs slut so thick and bueatiful . He licked his lips . And with that he pressed his one finger on nj's hole and pushed it in and nj gasped . "A Virgin ? That's even more great. " He smirked after knowing it that he is the one to take the boy's virginity insted of jin .he than pushed a second finger to make nj scream more .two were replaced by three and after a time he had his four fingers ramming inside nj's hole raw and nj screaming his lungs out and begging him to stop struggling to get out of the restrains . He was relieved when the fingers were pulled out. But something hard and thick and soft was pushed inside his hole and he saw it . That night nj was screaming his heart out because of the abuse and pain he was getting that man fucking into him at merciless pace . Not even stopping. Bogum was just enjoying biting and fucking nj . He stopped when nj passed out from all the things . He screams echoing in the whole buildings and forest died down . He pulled out and got up from there. He pulled his boxers and pants up and left nj there as it is leaving the room with his blazer and locking it . It was early morning . Nearly 5 in the morning . The whole night jin was crying listing to his baby's screams and pleadeds for help . He was feeling useless he couldn't even help his love when he needed him the most . Except suga evryone was crying . Jin knew that suga wanted to cry out so bad but he didn't cause he wanted to be strong for everyone. In the morning. Nj's screams died down . Means Bogum left . Jin felt a little releif but he wanted to see his baby very badly .

2 hours later
The sun was already up they were in the cage as it is .jk and jimin sleeping after being tierd from too much crying . Jin looked around again to find any way to get out that's when he heared footsteps . They were coming there . ' is it Bogum ? .' the very first thought that came to jin's mind . The door opened and

" mark ? " Jin called to the figure at the door . Mark was the one who entered though the door . And jin was confused yet happy to see him .

"Will mark be able to save them ?"

Hey everyone the update a day prior I hope you like and comment if you like it and also If you don't like it. I would try my best to drop next by chapter tomorrow night . till then by saty safe stay happy .

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