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It was 2 weeks later the anniversary party . It was morning , nj and jin were doing breakfast together along with everyone else . They were all laughing , chating and eating . Nj was done now . He got up and went to jimin and kissed his cheek then jk , v , hobi and suga 's cheek . At last he gave a kiss to seokjin on lips. It was not long yet not so short .

He picked up his bag and went out not before yelling a " BYE , HYUNGS !!" . And he left in his car .

( So here everyone adores him like a little brother , except jin cause he is his husband man . He is the youngest and cutest in the family . So all the 6 mens loves him so much .that's why he always kissed their cheeks before going off to school.)

Time skip

It was 10 in the morning jin was working in his office when his phone rang . He saw and it was his old friend also nj's class teacher byun beakehyun .

Jin picked up the call.

Jin- hey byun . How are you man ?

Beak - hey jin. I am great . What about you ?

Jin- I am super great .so why did you called ? Is it about nj ?

Beak - ah yes , I called you to ask about nj .why he didn't came to school today ? He always informs me if he doesn't come .but today he didn't .

Jin - what ?? . Nj isn't in school but he left in morning . Why isn't he _ byun I will call you later I have to look for nj .

Jin cuted the call and called nj . The phone ringed but nj didn't picked up . Then he called mr. Lee nj's driver but he aslo didn't pick up . Jin knew that something was wrong . So he called suga and ask him to come to his office with everyone immediately .

Jin called his manager and asked him to contact with the bodyguard assigned with nj . But the manager said that his phone is off . Jin was getting worried at this point . He was worried for nj's safety . He was thinking of the possibilities that what may have happened . ' did they got in any accident or any of my rival got to nj.'

He was getting more and more impaitent . That's when everyone entered." What happened jin? " Suga was the frist to speak .jin turned towards him ." Hyung , beakehyun called me and said that nj isn't in school ." " What ?" Ot6 said at the same time ." Yes and he is not picking up my call. Not only him also mr. Lee and his bodyguard's phone is off . I am - I am getting worried hyung . "Jin said with a worried tone .

"Hobi get the laptop fast we gonna track him " as soon suga said hobi got his and suga's laptop . They both got on work and everyone else Circled around them . They were both typing very fast . Focused on the screen .

" Found it ." Hobi yelled . "Where is it"
Jin asked curiously . " It's on the - wait this is not the road by which nj goes . Hyung his location is showing at the road which is abodoned . It is alternate road for going to school but he never uses it .and moreover his location is there from last 3 hours ." Hobi informed jin.

" Not only his also mr. Lee's and his bodyguard's both location is there. "
Suga said while focusing on laptop .
" This is not good suga hyung. ". Jimin mumbled . " Yes jimin hyung we have to go there. Jin hyung let's go before something goes bad joonie . "Jungkook was saying being so worried . He was worried for nj's safety like everyone else .

" We don't even know if something bad had already been happened with joonie ." Suga mumbled angry .

" Let's go jin hyung. We should go fast . " It was tae . Everyone nooded and went out to go the location

3 hours earlier

Nj was on the backseat with his personal bodyguard sitting beside him. Mr. Lee was driving and another bodyguard was sitting on the passenger seat . Nj was reading a book fully focused. Suddenly the car came to halt . Nj looked up towards the driver and frowned " What happened uncle Lee? " Nj asked ." Sir , the road is blocked here. We have to take the alternate road it will take more time ."
the driver explained . And nj said " no problem uncle. A few minutes more won't hurt as we are early today ." Mr. Lee back turned the car and they went from to the abodoned road. When mr. Lee was driving he saw man lying in the middle of the road . He again stopped . " What happened in uncle Lee. "

" Sir someone is lying in the middle of road ."mr. Lee Said while looking forward . " I will go and check sir " . The bodyguard on the pessanger seat said to nj and got of the car . He walked towards the man and kneled down beside him . Nj and mr. Lee and the other bodyguard they were watching from inside.

The guard shook the man ." Hey , are you -" . Suddenly the man turned around and stabbed the bodyguard right in his neck . The guard feel down the man got up and pulled a gun out pointing towards the car . The bodyguard beside nj pulled his gun out. "Mr. Lee take sir from here fast I will handel . "

The bodyguard got out and mr. Lee was about to start the car when a bullet pierced right in the middle of his forehead. Nj was horrified . He saw a man got shot and now lying dead just a feet or two away from him .the other bodyguard was behind the car . Nj stayed in when the firing stared . Bullets were fired from both sides. And the gaurd was dead too after a minute but the man who was standing in front of the car was also dead . Nj was shitless scared right now . There was no one outside . So he took his bag and pulled his phone out . He slowly stepped out of car . Looking here and there to make sure no one was there .

He jogged towards the opposite direction . Fumbling with his phone trying to call jin. When he was running , someone grabbed him . But before he could scream the man placed a rag covering his nose and mouth . Nj struggled in the man's hold to free himself . But he started getting weak . His limbs felt like jeely, eyes droppy and then black dots covered his vision and nj passed out in the man's arm.

The man picked nj up on his shoulder with ease going from there towards his car which was hidden behind the trees . He opened the car trunk . He puted cum threw nj in the trunk and closed it . He stated the car and went away .

Back to present

Jin and others reached at the location . They saw nj's car from a far . " There is the car ." Yeelled jk . YG parked car behind nj's car and they all got out . They went towards the car and car's backseat door was open .hobi looked inside and saw mr. Lee's dead body . Suga was circling the car when he saw the gaurds body one in front of the car and one beside the car .

" Jin hyung mr. Lee is dead ." Hobi stated worried ." And the guards are also dead . There is another dead body too ".jk who was searching near the car area. Came running . " Hyung I found this ." Jin looked at jk's hands . He held a bag , and a phone. " This - this phone and bag it's - it's nj's . "

" But where is joon. What if he ran away from here to save himself ." Jimin said concerned . " Yes , jin hyung I , mini and kookie will go and check the nearby areas. You guys search there. " Tae said and jin nooded with a small ok . Jin was worried. Cause it's sure that nj was attacked but he was worried that If he is not here then maybe any of his rival kidnapped nj . They would hurt him because of jin. Worry could be seen on his face .

"Don't worry hyung we will find him ." It was hobi who was trying to console jin. " I hope so hoba . Please god keep my baby safe ." Jin said . Suga was examining the man to know any info but none .

After like half an hour tae , jk and jimin came back with sad and disappointed faces. And jin knew they found nothing. And he Knew that he was thinking right .

So that's it for today. I updated late cause I have a very big exam coming up . A national level exam so I am bit busy .I will update next chapter after that maybe on 4 or 5 sep but if I got time I will give a short update in btw. Till then bye uwu

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