2. making it upto him

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After nj left for school being super emotional and hurt , Crying throughout the ride till he reach school .He just wanted nothing but a big hug  from best friend kai. But much  to his dispair kai was absent today. He just went to his class. He was sad but thankfull to the god too cause he didn't bumped in bam bam today. Which was a relief

He couldn't handle him right now .  So yeah it was something good. All classes went on . Nj hoped that like every other times jin will text him sorry with lots of hearts and promise to cook his favorite food later that day . But till lunch there was none .

Nj was more sad now . It was thier first marriage anniversary and they didn't even wish each other . And he skipped lunch. Siting in the bathroom cubicle Crying his heart out . He couldn't control his tears today. This was the first time jin had ever shouted on him . Heck he even started thinking low about himself .' maybe jin don't like me now. Maybe I annoy him that's why he shouted on me .' more tears poured out of his beautiful eyes . He wiped his tears and got out of the cubical when the bell rang signalling that the lunch was over . So nj washed his face and headed for his next class . And the day went on with nj being sad and not concentrating on class .

Time skip to end of school

It was the last lecture and when it ended . Nj headed of to his locker to take his things and go home . When he was going away after taking his things and locking his locker . He felt a sudden hit on his back and he fell face flat on the floor .

" Ahh" . A sudden scream left nj's lips when he was suddenly knocked down by a kick on his back . He rolled his body so that his back was on floor winching in pain . He opened his eyes only to see bam bam , his bully standing their with his two friends or to say pets who follow him everywhere . Nj was already somewhat nosious and dizzy from lunch as he didn't eat anything since morning .and now his vision was a little blurry cause he hit his head preety hard .

" You thought that you would get away from what you did yesterday . " Bam bam growled on nj . Sure he was very angery . He didn't liked how nj pushed him yesterday and now he was seeking revenge for that.

Nj's mind was running continuously . Thinking how to get out of this situation . He hadn't got up from . He was too scared to do so . A sudden kick on his abdomen stopped his thoughts . Bam bam kicked right at his shin . Nj jolted in pain . A painful scream escaped his lips before he curled up into a ball.

" Boys get him up " . Bambam ordered his two dogs . They both held nj's hands and forcefully made him stand up in front of bam bam .

" Now bitch you will get your consiquence for pushing me yesterday." With that he blew a hard punch on nj's stomach and then more punches followed suit .

Nj was screaming in pain. He just wanted to curl up his body but he couldn't when these two dogs of his bully were holding him .

Bambam lifted his fist to punch nj's face and nj closed his eyes getting ready for the pain . But it never came . He opened his eyes only to see someone has held bam bams hand back before it could make contact with nj's face.

" Who the hell -."  Bam bam turned around and nj saw the one who stopped bam bam was jin ." How dare you to stop me and for this bitch . Who are you hah " .bambam spited out of anger . He then looked at nj and saw how nj saw jin like his prince who came to save him from demons .
He yanked his arm from jin and was ready to attack jin . But jin punched him before he could and he fell on his ass on the floor with a bloody nose .

Bam bam glroweled . " You punched me for this slut.  Who the hell is he . ? " Jin ignored him and went towards nj the two boys holding nj left him and ran away out of fear nj was about to fall but jin held him securely in his arms .

" Hey baby , are you ok ? ." Jin asked and creased nj's cheek and nodded in response .  " I am sorry baby that I shouted you in morning . I was in a bad mood  you know " . Jin explained himself hoping that nj would forgive him . " It's ok jini " nj gave him a weak smile .

Bam bam - " woah what we have . You nerd got yourself a sugar daddy ha . I knew you were a slut .hey mister is he good in bed ?. I would love to borrow him for a ni-" before he could compete jin turned around and kicked bambams face so hard . He went ahead to beat him and nj slipped from his arms falling on the ground . Jin punched him rapidatly saying " he is my husband you fucker . How dare you say such words about him ".

Nj was barely concious.  He let out a small call for his hyung when he was busy beating the shit out of bambam. " Hy- hyu- hyung ". With that black dots surrounded nj's vision and soon everything turned black .

A short update cause I know how much desperate people gets  waiting for next update. I am also waiting ofr updates I can understand . Next chapter tomorrow evening ☺️ . Till then bye  stay safe , stay happy

 Till then bye  stay safe , stay happy

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