3.Atermath and party

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As soon jin heard nj calling for him he  ran towards him only to find him uncouncious . Jin put nj's head in lap and tapped his cheek lightly ." Hey baby , joonie ... Hey joonie get up baby." But he didn't respond. 

Jin picked nj up in his arms and ran towards the exit .He shouted for the driver to get the car stated . When the driver saw jin and nj in his arms he immediately opened the backseat door to let jin in with nj . Jin sat down with nj on his lap his head resting on his shoulders .

" Fast . To the hospital .I don't care about traffic signals . We will handel speed ticket later .fast ". He yelled on the driver to drive more fast and the driver was shirtless scared . ( Uff poor mr. Lee ) . He drived as fast he could . Jin was holding nj close by his side murmuring . Like ' baby you will be ok '. ' we soon gonaa reach there . ' .he was kising on. Nj's forehead while mumbling to him . The driver parked the car infront of hospital that was funded by jin . Jin dashed out of car and went inside telling the receptionist to call his family doctor cum friend mark .

" Sir please go in the ER in 2nd . Doctor mark will be there in 2 min ." As soon the nurse said so . Jin ran towards the ER where mark was also coming from the opposite direction.

" What happened to joon jin. " Mark asked after looking at a passed out nj.
" Some bullies beated him up . Please check him Mark."

" Ok you leave him here and go out ok. I will take care of him. "Jin laid nj on the hospital bed and went out of the room . Sitting on the bench waiting for mark . And his phone ringed . He took out of his phone. The caller ID read 'jimin ' . So he picked it up .

Jin- hello
Jimin- hello jin hyung, where are you ? I have a good news .
Jin- did you get the work done ?
Jimin- yes , everything is ok now hyung max is dead and the secrets are safe at the main base .now tell where are you ?
Jin - I am at hospital .
Jimin- hospital? What happened hyung are ok .
Jin- yes , I am ok jimin. It's nj who is hurt .some bullies beated him up before I reached there.
Jimin-how is he ? Is he ok?
Jin- don't know mark is checking him up .
Jimin- ok , hyung I will be there in 10 min on. Bye .
Jin- ok.

Jin cited the call with a sigh glancing at the closed doors of ER.after some time mark came out telling something to the nurse and dismissing her .jin went to mark ." How is joonie mark ? Is he ok ? Anything serious ? ."

" Woah , jin calm down . Everything is fine. He fainted cause of weakness and dehydration .I gave him an IV he will be ok . I checked him . There are few bruises on the stomach and ribs . But he is lucky that no rib is broken .

" Thank god . Is he ok means perfectly fine right ." Jin asked with some worry ." Yes jin, he is fine just he needs rest and feed him light food for a week and yes a complete bed rest . Not much movement cause he will feel pain in his abdomen."

Jin groaned at this . " Everything is wasted now. I planned a surprise party for him for our anniversary today.but now I should cancel it ."
Jin took out his phone but mark stooped him .

" No need to cancel the party . I said not much walking not sitting . He can be sitted you know . Your surprise won't be ruined ." Mark stated with a smile and jins face turned up in a smiley one ." Thanks markei ".

" Nj will be concious maybe in 3 or 4 hours .the dose I gave him is high he will be up like before evening I guess."

" Ok thanks mark " jin thanked him and mark left from there . Jin went inside . In there was nj lying on bed sleeping . Looking very calm and peaceful but the IV on his back of hand reminds that he isn't sleeping peacefully . Jin sat down beside nj and ran his through nj's hairs lovingly satting at him . He bent down and kissed his forehead . " Are you okay baby ? Baby hyungie is sorry for his behaviour today . But now I will make it up to you .be fine my love and hapy one year love " . With that he pecked nj's lips .

Just when he backed up the door of the room opened reaveling jimin . Jimin came towards jin and nj he sat on the bed beside nj and took his hand in his hands." What happened hyung ? .what did mark say ?" Jimin asked . Jin told him everything about earlier also about nj's health and all and jimin was relieved that his little munchkin is okay . " Thank god hyung he is okay now ."

" Yeah. Jimin?" Jin looked up at jimin.
" Yes hyung " " can you saty here with nj . I will just go and come really quick. I have to make some food for nj he haven't had anything since morning ." Jin said and jimin looked up at him quite surprised .

" You mean you haven't eaten since morning . But why ? " Jimin asked jin and he replied " it's my fault kinda.  After your call I was angry and frustrated . I kinda snapped at him ."

" Oh jin hyung , you know he can't bear when someone yells at himand specially you ." Jimin stated .  " I know jimin I was just really mad and just it happened . I will say him sorry when he wakes up ".

" Ok you go , I will be there with him ".jimin smiled at jin and he also smiled back and went out after saying" I will be back soon love " and kissed nj's forehead and left

At evning

Jin returned with a very healthy , light yet tasty porriedge . When he came nj was alredy awake talking with jimin .
" Love " as soon as nj heard jins voice he squealed.  Jin went over to him and nj hugged him . Nuzzling his head in his crook of neck .

Nj suddenly gasped and left the hug immediately and turned around back facing jin and crossing his arms over his chest . Jin and jimin frowened in confusion at the sudden action .

" What happened baby " jin asked and nj huffed " did you forgot what you did in the morning mr. Seokjin or do I need to remind you that I am still mad at you . Now make it up to me. " Nj said with a fake anger in his voice . And both jimin and jin awed at this cute action.

" My apology my prince for making you angry . I ask for your forgiveness my prince . please my prince forgive this peasent for his mistake " jin siad while his a little down and nj semmed to be conceived by this. He smiled and turned around .

" Okay I will forgive but on one condition . ... I want a kiss ." Nj demanded shly and jin smiled he looked towards and jimin turned around . " Gladly my prince , whatever you say . " Jin bent down capturing nj's lips with his own giving. A long a passionate kiss.

After that jin feeder nj . At night they both got ready jin helped nj by carrying him in his arms everywhere . Throughout the whole party. Either nj was in jins arms legs hugging his waist and head rested on shoulder or siting in the same position in jins lap . They were so happy together .all were . Unaware of the storm that is gonna come after this happiness ends . Very soon .

Hope you enjoyed it . The main part will be starting after this and i will give warning first it will have a great violence. And sexual harrassment , abduction , fighting , many scary things guns, drugs , gangs etc. So read at your own risk
Good night lovelies .

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