5. finding him .

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⚠️ warning ⚠️
A little voilence at the end .!

Jin and others were about to leave the place . When jin's phone rang .He pulled it out seeing a unknown number .

Jin picked it up and put the phone near his ear ."Hello, SJ . How are you ? " . A very manly and deep voice came from other side . " Who are you ?" Jin asked the man he brought the phone down and puted the call on speaker .

" Oh , SJ don't tell me you didn't recognise. It's me seokjin Kim . The one only favourite friend or should I say rival of yours ?" The man said and chuckled .Jin sighed after knowing who it was . " Park Bogum how can I forget you when you and your ediot of a brother always try to piss me off by your bad works. But now one is down . Your dear brother max is gone and now I will hunt you down too if you interfare in my business ." Jin said angrily .

" Really? You will hunt me . Tell this after I am done talking seokjin ." Bogum said with a scrastic voice and jin knew the man was smirking right now ." Cut the crap Bogum I don't have time for your bullshit I got many imp . Works to do ." Anger was visible in jin's tone ." Ah, I know jin you have many important works . Like ...... Finding your little baby husband who is lost. " Bogum said and chuckled .

Rather jin and everyone were shocked ." How the hell do you know this ?" . Suga rored in anger at bogum ." Oh everyone is here good . This is what I wanted " he mumbled the last line and again said ." Anyways , hm so seok jin you are finding your kid right . Oh what am I saying that kid is his husband . " He laughed and jin just inhaled sharply."cut the crap and fucking spill the beans ." Tae growled on Bogum like a tiger he is .

" Oo oh , lower your voice mr. Teahyung. Let me tell you something . I have something or to say someone who is very important to you . There is saying that ' Devils life lies in a bird ' and now that bird is in my possession .So mr. Kim seokjin now you know who will hunt whom ." And Bogum laughed loudly.

True to say everyone was angry when they figured that the bird which Bogum is talking about is there joonie which is now in his possesion ." Don't you dare hurt him Bogum or we will kill you the worst way possible " Hobi growled at Bogum showing his anger .

" Don't growl at me hosoek you aren't in the position to do that . Remember he will face the consequence of your actions .so take your actions carefully ." Bogum said in a warning tone . Everyone kept quite . Worry was written on everyone's face .

" What do you want?" Seokjin asked. He was controlling his anger ." Ah this is the seokjin I wanted to hear. Now my so called mafia king sj.I want you to bring the latest weapon consignment you recived of new weapons last weak ."

Seokjin sighed before speaking ." Ok , I will give you tell me time and place I will be there just don't harm namjoon ok. Take the weapons and give him back ."Bogum laughed . " I am not done SJ you will not come to deliver the weapons . You all 6 will be there only you 6 no other gaurds with the weapons ."

" Why do you need them I will be there just fucking do this .?" Seokjin yelled getting angry ." Don't yell at me seokjin you know what I can do. And do what I asked or else.you are wise enough to understand." Bogum gritted in anger .suga assured him that they will be there .

" I will call you again in an hour to tell the place and time till then bye seokjin . I gotta go check on little joonie .and don't do something stupid ok ."

With that Bogum hanged up. Seokjin groned in annoyance. " What do we do now. We have to do something he will harm our joonie ."it was jimin he was on the verge of tears .

" Hobi , suga we gotta go fast . Here search Bogum 's location . We gonna attack his base. Cause I don't trust him with this exchange deal. He will not end it this easily ." Seokjin said being determined to save his joon. They got in the car and drived away

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