Lucky Number 14

520 32 3

Carter's POV

We are found out the town they were keeping him in and we figured he would probably be held at the largest prison in town. We drove within a mile of the prison, then pulled over at a small store and got out.

We grabbed only a few things because we didn't want to carry all of our supplies since it would slow us down, draw more attention, and we probably wouldn't need them all.

"Why are we getting out?" Blaise complained, "We are still a mile away..."

"Man up," Ashton said glaring at him, "You don't hear me complaining and as you said earlier I'm only a cheerleader."

I could tell they were about to start fighting so I quickly changed the subject, "Okay guys. We are going to walk the rest of the way to avoid detection. Then when we get closer I am hoping we can find a way to sneak inside. If not I have a plan B."

"What plan B?" Avalon asked.

"Hi-jacking a guard and stealing his uniform," I said.

"What if we can't do that?" Blaise said.

I thought a moment then said, "Plan C."

"Are you going to tell us what Plan C is?" Avalon asked annoyed.

"No," I said, "I think Plan C is best left alone. I don't want to use it if I don't have to. So for now we will just ignore Plan C."

Avalon was about to start arguing, but before she could Eva said, "We better start walking."

I gave her a look of thanks and she nodded. We both knew that we had to keep fighting to a minimum. Avalon gave me a quick glare, but then we started walking.

Damian came up besides me and whispered, "I hope you aren't planning on doing something stupid. I know how you are. You tend to act before thinking things through..."

"Don't worry I have thought this one through. It will be fine," I said trying to reassure him.

He gave me a look that told me he didn't believe everything would be fine, but he didn't say anything so I decided to ignore it.

By the time we saw the prison in the distance we were all happy. We were sick of walking and doing nothing. None of us were tired, we were all physically fit, but we were bored.

We were use to training and doing something interesting at almost all times. It had been a long time since we had done nothing. We hadn't been on a long car ride or done nothing since we got to Jeremiah's safe house. Now we had been on a long car ride and have been doing nothing all in just a few not-so-short hours.

When we arrived at the prison we stayed in the shadows and kept cover behind anything we could find. We went around the perimeter of the whole prison and we couldn't find any weak spots. Eva used her powers to try and find one. She flew up as a bird and ran around as a mouse and sensed her surroundings using her earth-seeing power. She couldn't find any weak spots.

We gave up and decided to wait down the road a bit and see if we would get lucky and a guard would come by. We waited for almost an hour. The only guards we saw was a group of six of them car-pooling and trying to attack that many would cause too much attention.

Damian and Rowen both continued to get more and more worried as time passed. Rowen was worried for Drew and Damian was worried about what I was going to do next.

After another half hour passed I said to the others, "Okay, well time for Plan C. You guys need to go back to the car and get some more supplies. I will wait here incase something happens. I don't want us to miss anything."

Damian gave me a look and said, "I will stay with you. You shouldn't stay alone."

"They will need your help to carry everything," I argued, "I promise I won't do anything stupid."

He seemed happy with me promising to stay low and not do anything stupid. As he started to walk away and breathed a silent sigh of relief. He hadn't noticed I had been lying or that I had my fingers crossed behind my back.

Avalon came up to me and asked quietly, "I know you are lying. You are a good lier, but I am ever better at catching a lie. What are you planning? What exactly is Plan C?"

I ignored her questions and said, "Be ready to use your powers on Damian.... if he starts to freak out you will need to confuse him. He could mess this up and get us all killed."

She was about to say something, but I cut her off and continued, "Don't say anything or ask any questions just trust me. Now go, I don't want him to get suspicious."

I waited until they were out of sight and then I pulled out my cell phone. I looked up the number for the press. Then I dialed the number.

I waited and listened to the constant sound of the ring for a while. Riiing. Silence. Riiing. Silence. Riiing. Silence. I focused on what I was going to say and what my plan was. I didn't want to mess this up.

Finally someone picked up and said, "Hello?"

"I am calling to inform you that the police are about to capture another of the members of the terrorist organization called 'Powers'. I thought you might want to know," I said.

"What? When? Where?" she asked excitidly. If she could get this on tape if would make her alot of money.

"Outside of the prison where the other one is being kept. It will happen any minute now. I'd hurry up if I were you," I said.

Before she could ask anymore questions I hung up. I called a few more press places and told them the same thing. I wanted as many reporters, cameras, and film crews here as possible.

My plan was going to be dangerous and if it went wrong, and there were so many ways it could go wrong, it would get both me and Drew killed. If it went correctly we would both get out safely.

The reason I had chosen this plan out of all the other Plan C's I could have picked, was because no matter how bad or good it went, the others would be safe; and that is what's important.

I decided to wait a few minutes, so the press people would have plenty of time to come and get it on film.

While I waited I thought about the chances of this going correctly. There were so many ways it could go wrong. More than I could count. I tried to think of every way it could go wrong, but after a while I gave up. There were too many ways.

It was about a 86% chance it would go wrong. I had been lucky as a child and won many raffles and drawings...but surviving against these chances would be lucky even for me. Luckily, I had a 14% chance of it going right and 14 was my lucky number.

Hopefully, being lucky would be enough because I saw trucks starting to turn around the bend. There was no time to back out now. I took a deep breath and started walking towards the front gate of the prison.

Luck...don't fail me now...


Sorry it's a bit shorter this time. I have been really busy lately and I put it off until last minute... AGAIN! I really need to stop doing that.... -_-

Anyways, I am in a hurry so I am just going to cut to the chase...

I <3 you guys. Thanks for support! Keep reading and tell your friends about me! :D





<3 Story :D

I'm At War With A Nameless King (Immortales vs Powers Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now