Cliff Diving

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Carter's POV

"Is everyone ready?" I asked one last time.

I looked around the house and saw everyone was packed and ready to go. We had found some waterproof suit cases in one of Jeremiah's closets. We also found various swimsuits. They were all black though. Probably so we wouldn't stand out as much.

All the boys were wearing basic swim trunks. Eva and Avalon both wore one pieces. Ashton was wearing a bikini and I was wearing a tankini. We packed up two sets of clothes; one basic pair and one pair better suited for combat. We also had all the equipment we thought we would need.

Ashton smiled excitedly and said, "Yep!"

"Why are you so excited?" Avalon asked.

"I love cliff diving," Ashton said.

I, personally, had been trying to forget about the cliff jumping. I didn't have many fears, actually I didn't have any fears, except for heights.

Ashton led the way to the spot that she thought would be best for jumping off and landing as safely as possible.

We all gathered around the spot she had picked.

"Be careful not to loose your swim suit top in the water," Blaise said with a smirk.

Ashton glared at him and said, "Why are you such a perv?"

"Because I am awesome," he replied, "Are you going to jump or are you too scared?"

"Yep, I'm definitely scared..." Ashton said.

As soon as she finished that sentence she jumped and did a back flip off the edge of the cliff. She did a few flips in the air and then straightened out and landed perfectly in the water.

After a few seconds she broke through the surface of the water and smiled and waved up at us. Blaise put his thumb and index finger together to make an 'O' and then whistled at her.

She rolled her eyes, but she couldn't hide the smile from her face. They were less annoyed with each and more amused instead.

Everyone took their turns jumping off the cliff. Everyone else just did a normal jump. Finally it was just me and Blaise.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked.

"I want to save the best for last and since I am the best.... I want to go last," he said jokingly.

"Just go," I said.

"You have been avoiding going this whole time," he said, "Is something wrong?

"No....I-I'm fine," I replied akwardly.

He stared at me for a moment before saying surprised, "'re afraid of heights? Aren't you?! I knew something was wrong! You're pale white!"

The others were looking up at us obviously wondering what was taking so long.

"Well, you gotta face your fears sometime..." he said with a smirk on his face.

I was about to reply, but before I could he picked me up bridal style and jumped off the cliff with me in his arms.

I swear I felt my heartstop for a brief moment when we were in the air. It felt like forever before we finally hit the water. When we finally splashed into the water, I quickly swam up to the top. Blaise came up a moment later.

Everyone swam around us and looked at us confused.

I turned towards Blaise and yelled, "YOU ASSHOLE!!!"

He was laughing hysterically. Before anyone could ask what happened I used my water power and made a huge wave, then I splashed it at him. The impact of the wave made him fly backwards and land hard on the water.

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