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Ashton's POV

The first thing I did was run over to him and hug him.

"I missed you, Ash," Ty said.

"I missed you too," I replied. Then I hit him across the head.

"OW! What was that for?" he asked annoyed.

"For showing up out of no where for no good reason! What the hell are you doing here?" I said angry.

"Your parents sent me. You kind of went missing..." Ty trailed off. I noticed he was looking at Damian. Oh no... this would not end well. Ty pulled out his gun and Damian immediately got into a fighting stance.

"Is that a vampire?! Why is there a fucking vampire in this room?!" Ty yelled.

"He is my friend! Don't hurt him! He is one of the good guys," I said trying to stop the fight that was about to happen.

"The only good vampire, is a dead vampire or one that has a wooden stake stabbed right through his heart!" Ty said ready to shoot. I knew that the bullets were wooden cased in silver and would be fatal. Ty was a really bad shot, but this close to Damian, even he would have trouble missing.

Carter saw that Damian was in danger and immediately took a defensive stance next to him. In turn the rest of the group got ready to fight. I stepped in front of Ty, blocking his shot at Damian.

"What the hell, Ashton?! Move! I need to kill this thing!" he said angry and annoyed.

"He isn't evil! Just let me explain! Technically him, and the rest of this group, helped save my life. I was kidnapped by Immortales, the Immortale King actually, and they helped me escape," I said trying to reason with Ty.

Ty looked at Damian, then me, then Damian again and finally put down the gun. I turned around and saw everyone else still ready to fight.

I turned to Carter and said, "He is fine. He won't attack. He is a hunter like me and well... hunters think all paranormal creatures are bad. I guess we are wrong. But anyways he didn't realize that you guys are nice and was just protecting me. Don't worry it is fine now.."

"You sure?" she asked watching him carefully.

"Yeah, I'm sure..." I said.

"Okay," she turned to the others and said, "Stand down. I would have done the same thing in his shoes. Let's give him another shot."

Everyone relaxed and went back to their spots on the floor. I noticed Damian sat closer to Carter though. He was obviously still worried and wanted to protect her.

"So explain all of this," Ty said motioning at the group.

I take a deep breath and start to explain everything to him, "Well, I will give you the short version. It turns out my grandfather, Jeremiah, was this magical type of paranormal creature called Powers. All of these guys are powers except Damian and Drew; Drew is human and Damian is a vampire. Turns out I am also part of this huge prophecy to save the world from Immortales or something like that. We are currently getting ready to fight them but we are out of money, so I am going to have to join a beauty pageant to win some cash."

"That was the short version?" he said jokingly.

"Yes," I said laughing, "Speaking of the beauty pageant, we need your help hacking into the computer so I can be signed up."

"Hacking? That will be easy. We need to call your parents first though... they have been freaking out," Ty said.

"Ugh! Do I have to? They are going to yell at me," I said annoyed.

I'm At War With A Nameless King (Immortales vs Powers Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now