Out of Money

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Ashtons POV

The next morning I was first up. I got up and got ready and then went over to the guys room to make sure everyone was there. I saw that Blaise was up.

"Mornin'," he said nonchalantly as I came in.

"I'm gonna go get breakfast. Wanna come?" I asked.

He shrugged and said, "Sure...why not?"

He got up and I noticed he was only in his boxers. I tried not to stare at his very defined 12 pack, but didn't succeed.

"See something you like?" He teased.

"Hey, If you got it flaunt it. If you flaunt it Ill check it." I said winking at him.

I noticed his boxer had little Batman signs on them.

"Batman, huh?" I said slightly amused.

"Yeah. He is the best superhero ever. You got a problem with that?" He said.

I laughing I said, "No spiderman is the best superhero ever. He is amazing, and I'll bite you ever disagrees with me!"

"Your kidding, batman so beats spiderman! Any day any time!"

"I doubt that!"

For some reason he left it alone instead of arguing with me. He smiled at me. That was one reason I liked him. He was always border lining between rude and funny. You could never tell if he was actually being mean or just joking; which made it all the more hilarious.

He slipped on some jeans and a t-shirt. We left the room and did our best not to wake anyone up.

"You realize everyone is going to think we are crazy; two people buying breakfast that can feed about thirteen," he said as we walked down the hall.

"Well, technically we are buying enough for nine people. Four girls and five boys," I said.

"Still, imagine what they will think," he said laughing.

"Whatever," I said which caused him to laugh more.

We went to the breakfast bar and got enough food for everyone and started bring it back up to the room. Blaise was right. On the way back up we got quite a few strange looks. Breakfast was included with the room, but we would have to pay for lunch.

When we got back everyone was just starting to wake up. Everyone came over to the girl's room and we all sat on the floor and ate.

Damian sat next to Carter and they were arguing about something. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could tell they were both worried about it.

Finally Carter spoke up and said, "Hey guys... we have a problem."

Everyone quieted down and she continued, "We are running really low on money. We have been using the money Damian brought with him and the money William forgot to take with him when he left but... with 9 of us..."

"...the money is being used up fast," Damian finished for her.

"So, what are you suggesting? Do you want us to get jobs?" Blaise said sarcastically.

"Yeah, actually. We need to make some money and getting jobs seems like a good way to do it," Carter said.

"Wait! I can't get a job! I hate being around people! I also hate working for stupid people and most people these days are stupid!" Blaise said shocked.

"Man up, Blaise. Are you afraid of a little hard work?" I teased.

"Wait.... I have an idea!" Blaise said.

He got up and ran out of the room and down towards the lobby. We all stared after him wondering what he was doing. He came back a few minutes later with a piece of paper in his hand.

He handed it to Carter and she read it out loud, "Beauty Contest Finals! The lucky girls who have moved on to the finals of the National Little Miss Priss Beauty Contest will be performing tonight at 7pm. First place: $150,000."

"First of all, I highly doubt Carter would ever do a beauty contest and second she isn't a finalist," Damian said.

"First of all," Blaise mimicked, "I wasn't talking to her and second of all we can hack into the computers and make Ashton a finalist."

It was silent for a moment and then I realized what he had said.

"AH HELL NO!!!!" I yelled, "There is no way in HELL I am doing a beauty contest!!"

'Why did he think that I would do this?? Just because I am a cheerleader? I am not some slut who wears ten pounds of makeup for fun and then walks around on a stage all day! Asshole... I'm really tempted to kick him in the balls right now,' I thought to myself.

"C'mon," Blaise said, "We really need the money."

"Okay. Even if I did, and I'm not saying I will, but if I did do it, how would we hack the computers. I don't think any of us are computer geniuses...." I said.

"Hmm..." Blaise said, "I guess you are right..."

"Now I kind of wish my friend was here. I have a friend from back home who use to hack computers to relieve stress. That is how easy it was for him. He was such a geek. Always playing computer games and messing around with his computers. But he would really come in handy right now," I said sighing.

"So, am I hearing that if we can hack the computer you will do it?" Blaise said excited.

"Yeah. I guess. Whatever," I replied carelessly, "but it's not like we can hack the computer anyways."

Blaise was about to say something in reply, but then the door of our hotel room flew open. My eyes widened it surprise.

I hadn't seen him for a really long time and then he shows up the minute I mention him like it's nothing! The saying speak of the devil really applies here...

"TY?" I asked shocked.

He was holding a tracker in his hand that was blinking really fast. That explains how he found me. I have a tracker in my shoe. I totally forgot about it. My parents must have gotten worried and sent him after me... damn parents. They always worried over nothing and then sent Ty to make sure I wasn't dead.

Everyone was in shock that he was here and no one made a move to attack him. Nobody, except for me, really knew who he was. He was just some random guy who burst into our hotel room.

Everyone was waiting for him to say something. For a moment he just stood there. Nobody moved or said or did anything. I was worried for a moment that nobody was going to do anything.

But then he grinned at me and winked while saying, "Miss me?"


hey guys!

sorry it was late! Easter was hectic!

I am in a really big hurry right now (aka I want to watch youtube which has become my soul purpose in life)

But I love you all!

oh and I will reply to each and every message I got over break. I just don't have time right now (because I REALLY want to watch some play throughs before I go to bed :P lol)

But I will have them replied to by the end of the week.

Stay awesomesauce!

Please don't be mad at me :/ because I still <3 you all!!

Remember to...


FAN! (I always take a look at my fan's books to see if I want to read any of them and sometimes I do so it is a win-win! :D)

VOTE! (It makes me super happy!!!(I still like comments better though...))


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