Car Arguments

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Carter's POV

As we drove from town to town and state to state, I noticed it was strangely quiet. For the most part no one talked. Everyone seemed to be mad or something. I was contemplating what to do next and where to go. For now, Damian was just driving in a random direction.

Finally after a few hours of driving, Eva spoke up, "Okay, what is going on? Why is everyone so mad all of a sudden. What happened at the beauty contest that I don't know about?!"

For a moment everyone was shocked that Eva had spoken up. She was usually quiet and stayed in the background. We all just stared at her for a second. Even Damian glanced back at her surprised.

Then finally Ashton said irritated, "Why don't you ask Blaise and Avalon?"

"Why are you mad at me?!" Blaise snapped at her, "You won't even listen to my side of the story! You are being completely unreasonble! Even if I was kissing Ava, you have no right to be mad! It's not like me and you were dating!"

It was silent for a moment while everyone took in what he just said. I had seen him kissing Avalon and knew that he hadn't meant to kiss her. Obviously Ashton didn't know that though.

Avalon glared at Blaise and said, "I told you not to call me Ava."

Avalon seemed to be glowing black. I could tell she was getting madder.

"Ava," Eva said quietly, "calm down... Don't do anything stupid..."

Ava took a shakey breath and looked out the window of the car.

"So... everyone here seems to have issues with one another?" Ty said finally after a moment of silence.

Everyone glanced at him shocked. I think we all had forgotten he was even here.

"Why are you still here?" Blaise said annoyed.

"Because he's my friend!" Ashton said irritated, "and he has more right to be here than you do! He's way more useful than you!"

Blaise glared at her and said, "Why do you feel the need to yell at me every chance you get?!"

Ashton glared back and said, "Because you are an asshole and I hate you!"

"Will everyone just shut up for a moment?!" Damian said annoyed, "I am trying to drive and if anyone tries to kill each other back there, then there is a good chance that we will crash!"

Everyone shut up for about three seconds before Ty broke the silence by saying, "So earlier you mentioned Blaise kissing Avalon.... what the hell was that about? I thought they weren't dating?"

"TY!" I yelled, "You are making it worse!!!"

Avalon glared at Ty before saying, "We aren't dating....I would never date an asshole like him!"

Blaise rolled his eyes and said, "Why does everyone hate me today?!"

"Because you're an asshole!!!" Ashton and Avalon said at the same time.

Blaise sighed and said, "Neither of you know the full story! If you would both stop glaring at me and yelling, I could explain!"

I turned back to look at them and saw they were all glaring at each other. They looked like they were probably about to kill Blaise.

"Okay everyone, if you wanna fight, wait until we get out of the car!" I said, "This is a nice car and I really don't want you getting each other's blood all over it!"

Everyone looked at me with a shocked expression and I said, "I'm joking, but seriously don't fight. We don't have time for all this drama right now! This is why I said no dating between group members until after the war!"

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