The Necklace

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Carter's POV

I groaned and opened my eyes. I noticed it was night time.

"Where am I?" I asked.

Everyone turned and looked at me. Damian and Karl rushed over to me. Eva, Ashton, and Rowen came over a few seconds later too.

"We are in a forest of some sort, I think. We aren't sure exactly where though," Karl said.

I looked around and saw all the trees. I also noticed all the bugs crawling around the ground. I saw a large bug climbing up my leg and flicked it off before standing up.

I cringed. The pain wasn't as bad as I expected, but it was still pretty bad. I noticed I was soaking wet.

I started to say, "Did you guys-"

Damian cut me off, "Yeah. We figured getting you wet would help you heal. It looks like it had worked. Your wounds aren't as bad as they were a few days ago."

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked.

"About 3 days. A little longer..." Karl said.

I could feel my eyes widen. I couldn't believe I had slept that long.

"What did I miss?" I asked.

I glanced at Rowen and saw his eyes were red and puffy, "Oh my god! Drew! What happened?"

Eva spoke up, "Karl and I did our best, but we didn't see him there. He was either moved, left behind, or..."

"Dead..." Rowen said.

I went up to Rowen and gave him a hug. I wanted to tell him everything would be okay. I wanted to tell him we would find Drew. I wanted to tell him all those things and more, but I honestly didn't believe them. The Immortales were ruthless killers and I highly doubted they would let a human live.

After I few minutes I pulled away from him and looked at the others.

"You should also know something about William," Blaise said, "We think he may have rejoined the Immortales....just a theory, but it makes the most sense..."

Maybe it was because so much had happened in so little time, but I was becoming very depressed and felt like this war was hopeless. I didn't want the rest of the group to fell that way though. I was the leader, so I had to lead.

I took a deep breath and said, "I guess it makes sense. I was half way expecting it. He was raised to be a killer, you can't just magically change in an instant. That is why I didn't tell everything too him, or even too you guys, I didn't want to risk it."

"So what haven't you told us?" Avalon asked.

"Well let's start with Ashton. I'm assuming you guys probably know already since I have been out for three days," I said.

"Yeah, we also told her the basics about us. Not too much. Just our real names and what we are. We didn't know how much you would want her to know," Karl said.

"Well... I'm not sure how to say this, but I'm a hunter," Ashton said.

"Hunter?" I asked.

"Third generation paranormal monster hunter to be specific. My grandparents, parents and I are all hunters. Well, actually my grandma is dead and my granddad is retired, but they were hunters," she explained.

"I actually learned that Damian here was a vampire less than a minute after you guys left. I would have killed him if you had left only a few seconds later, but you got away just in time. So I guess we all got lucky. Without you guys, I probably wouldn't have escaped," Ashton said.

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