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Let me tell you a story....  

  Once upon a time in a land not so far away and in a time not so long ago the human race was saved by a bunch of teenagers. They were seen as crazy weirdos, freaks, and even once terrorists, but they saved earth nonetheless.   

The average human will never know what actually happened that day. All they know is that there was a corrupt government official who told the world a bunch of teenagers were terrorists when they weren't and that there was a massive forest fire outside of a mansion in the middle of know where. They will think that Area 51 closing down not long afterwards is just a coincidence and nothing to do with all the random stuff that's been going on lately. They will think that all the random police officers that swore these teenagers were super heroes are just insane or stressed and don't know what they are talking about.   

But all of us... The paranormal creatures of the world... We know differently. We know that those teenagers were actually the legendary seven powers that started a new era. A better era full of acceptance for all the creatures of the paranormal world. A new era that stopped one creature from ruling over everyone and gaining too much power. An era that will remember the sacrifices they made to create this better world. An era that remembers those no longer here to enjoy this era.     

I bet you are wondering what really happened after we won that war aren't you? Well, I wouldn't say they all lived happily ever after with a perfect fairy tale ending, but everyone is much happier. So let's start from the beginning.    

Carter and Damian - 

When the war ended the first thing they both wanted to do was get together and celebrate.... but Carter being responsible decided they better sort out the new governing system first. Carter was pretty sick of being in charge of anything and really didn't want to rule the entire paranormal universe and anyways no one really wanted another ruler. So they decided to make a council. A group of people who would make decisions together so that no one person could ever decide everything. They decided that the council needed representation from every species to make it fair and to make sure everyone's views were heard.   

Carter and Damian were both on this council of course and when they announced the idea to the paranormal world the majority of people welcomed the change and embraced it. Everyone was sick of having an over powerful ruler. There were a few that didn't like the idea, but they were mostly grumpy Immortales who liked being privileged bastards. So the idea went ahead and the council began.   

After getting all that sorted out they also gave all the other kings and queens of other species the option to either support equality and join the council or be overthrown. Damian's father was one of the few who hated the idea of equality and was overthrown. Most others were happy to support them and joined along side them though.   

When they finally had down time though the first thing they did was get married. It was a private wedding with just all of their friends and family. Nothing extravagant like Jessica wanted them to have. Just something simple and easy, because Carter didn't want to make it a big deal.   

They then went back to Damian's mansion to live there. Carter had always liked it there and Damian missed home. They were constantly going on trips to visit everyone else though or to go on trips since Carter hated being in one place. Damian didn't mind though. He loved just being with Carter.

 Ashton and Blaise - 

Ashton contacted her family when the war ended and let them know she was okay. She told them all about what had happened and they were furious that she had been hanging around "monsters". She explained to them that not all of us were monsters. That most of us were just trying to live normal lives, or as normal of lives as we could.

I'm At War With A Nameless King (Immortales vs Powers Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now