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This isn't real

Hawkeye stared at the ground where the person he looked up to since he was a child, was going to be put in. 

Tears streamed down his cheek, but he knew one thing. He had to succeed this mission. He looked over to Maverick stood at the end of his casket. Remove his wings then slammed it into his casket. Hawkeye closed his eyes as he silently sighed.


Dominic sat in the living room. He had to be alone, everyone texted him but he wasn't answering nobody. Someone then knocked on the door, it was Maverick. He sighed. "Hey Maverick, what can I do for you?" Dominic said. Maverick sighed knowing that he was devastated over Iceman.

"I came here, to make amends with you." Maverick said. Dominic sighed. "Alright, I'll hear you out on this." Dominic said as he let Maverick in then the duo walked into his living room. 

"I just want to say.. I am sorry, for distancing myself from you when your mother passed away. I figured you wanted space, your father said that wasn't a wise choice on my part." Maverick said. Dominic sighed. "No.. it wasn't. I needed you, yes I had my dad and Iceman... but I always needed you Uncle Mav." Dominic said.

Maverick sighed. "I'm sorry I failed you on that." Maverick said. Dominic sighed. "Now... what about you and Rooster?" Dominic asked. "Working on that, you and I know, he's." Maverick said but Dominic finished. "Stubborn... he's always been like that Maverick... well since I know you are trying, I would like to make amends. I still need Uncle Maverick around after all." Dominic said. 

Maverick smiled at him. "I am here for another reason." Maverick said as he sighed. "What would that be?" Dominic asked him. "I was grounded, no longer on this mission... I don't know what to do." Maverick said. Dominic looked at him, "Cyclone seriously didn't do that, especially so close to mission time." Dominic said. "He did and there's nothing can be done." Maverick said.

"Bullshit." Dominic said as Maverick then stared at him. "Maverick... giving up, no damn way." Dominic said. "There isn't anything else that can be done." Maverick said. "There is." Dominic said. "What would that be?" Maverick said. "Do the course, show him that this course, can be done, perfect for the mission... Maverick... I want to come home safely, I want the people I care about to come home safely... hell I'll run the course with you." Dominic said.

"Kid... you'll get in serious trouble." Maverick said sternly. "Yeah... but it's worth, like I said everyone deserves to come home safely, I refuse to sit by and let Cyclone change the faith of this mission. So I'll say again Old man... I'll run the course with you... Tomorrow morning." Dominic said sternly. Maverick sat there for moment, then hummed.

"Alright.. tomorrow morning, get some rest kid." Maverick said as he patted Dominic's shoulder. As Maverick opened the door, Natasha was standing right there. "Hello Phoenix, here for Hawkeye?" Maverick asked. "Yeah, he's not answering my text messages." Phoenix said. "Forgive him, he's taking it hard... I'll be off." Maverick said and She nodded. He closed the door and Natasha looked at him.

She sighed. "Glad to know your alive." Natasha said sternly as she made her way to him and sat across from him. He sighed. "I know... sorry for not answering your texts... I am just.... lost." Dominic said. She sighed. "You know I am here for you right?" Natasha questioned and he nodded.

"Since when did Natasha Trace started caring about Dominic Kerner?" Dominic questioned. "When he stopped being asshole and made Bagman look more like an ass then what he already is." Natasha said as she smirked and made Dominic chuckled. She smiled, "I got a smile out of you." Natasha said with a grin.

"Well, to be fair. I always cared for you Natasha." Dominic admitted. She smiled. "I care for you so much that I actually been wanting to take you out, now I am growing courage to ask you out." Dominic said. Her smile grew. "I would love that." Natasha said. 

"Really... alright, after the mission, I'm taking you out." Dominic said with a smile. "I would love that." She said with a smile. Then the door knocked, "Come in!" Both Dominic and Natasha shouted. 

Then came in Shepherd, Amelia, Reuben, Mickey, Robert and Bradley. "You are on our shit list." Amelia said sternly. "Man, why aren't you answer nobody." Reuben said. "Hey Natasha." Shepherd said.

"Hi, first off cut him some slack. He's taking Iceman's death, really hard and second, he knows that wasn't very wise for him to do." Natasha said as she looked a him with a brow rose. "Don't remind me." Dominic said.

They sighed. "Oh that is true." Amelia said. She knew him and Iceman were so close. She was heartbroken over his passing as she also to, gotten guidance from the Admiral. 

"How's your dad Shepherd?" Dominic asked. "Devastated but who isn't. He was one of the best that Top Gun had." Shepherd said. "My dad's been handling it pretty rough, given take he was his RIO." Dominic said.

"Maverick's gotta be taking it hard." Robert said. "Yep, they went to top gun together." Dominic said.


After everyone left, Dominic got settled in for the night. So much was going through his mind. The mission, Iceman's death, Maverick, Rooster, His Dad... Phoenix. 

"Damn, I am in love with that woman." Dominic mumbled. He was always told, you know when the time is right, To Dominic, that time keeps getting closer and closer by the second. 

Dominic looked over at a photo of his mom. He hummed. "Oh mom, you would've loved her... you would've loved her so much." Dominic said. "Oh... Maverick and I... are making amends. that's a start... I just hope running the course goes smoothly." He mumbled.

Without a doubt, Dominic knew that Maverick was leading this team down the right path, his way works for this mission. Maverick has to prove it... "I'm joining in for the ride... holy damn."


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