The Canary- Jamie

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I was about leave to math from Mrs. Willis's room, and Matthew the school bully sat two rows behind me with an evil looking grin on his face, and I was terrified of that face. The bell rang and Matthew sprinted towards the door and just as I walked through, he shoved me and everything in my bag spilled out, Matthew was laughing. Then, I saw her, Jess, I had liked her ever since our second grade year, the year I came to West Chester, and since then Matthew had bullied me. Jess walked toward me and helped pick up my books, she shot an evil grimace at Matthew who stared at her and winked devilishly.
"Hey Jamie, you alright?"she asked.
"Uh... Yeah I'm fine." I replied a little to hurriedly, she laughed, got up and started back down the hallway. Then it hit me, why did Matthew look at her like that, oh no, I said to myself. Matthew likes Jess, and he knows I do to. This must be why he's been a jerk to me, is he scared that Jess would pick me over him, Mr. Football team captain? Oh no, never in a million years would that happen, or maybe it would, why are girls so confusing? I put my bag on my shoulders and walked out the door, and of course Matthew was there waiting for me, oh no I told myself. And then, I spotted it a tiny bird, a canary staring right at me with it's beautiful, pitch black eyes. As soon as I knew it Matthew was staring at it open-eyed too.

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