|l "chapter 1" the kingdom falling.. l|l

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(Narration POV)

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18 years ago, there was a queen and a king that ruled over the nether, the queen was pregnant at the time and after a couple of months she gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy they decide to name the boy Theseus, after the birth of Theseus it seemed like the the world was at Joy to have a newborn baby Prince into the nether but..

After Theseus was born in a couple of months later he was now almost 1 years old and another kingdom across the Netherlands called "darklands Kingdom".

They were called "darklands" for a reason they always seem to be starting wars with other kingdoms around the land, so when the king of that Kingdom asks for a treating to have the two kingdoms be combined, the king and queens said no he was almost one and a half years old and they didn't want their son to be already "married".

Once they said no the darklands King said he was "all right" but he was just playing an act in reality... he was furious.

After a couple of months later and Theseus now turning 1 years old, the darklands planned a surprise attack on the kingdom there are overrun by the guards killing everyone they saw in sight almost everyone was dead at that moment then they reached the castle, they killed the king but the queen was able to get her son far away but she was brutally hurt afterwards...

The guards from the darklands Kingdom chased her... She was almost probably killed but before she teleported her child to be far away from this area into a new area she didn't understand, she had to make a sacrifice it was either her or her baby...

"I'm so sorry my dear, I hope we could see each other in the future but, it seems that the Netherlands have decided a different state... I love you so much.." she cried, she gave her baby a kiss on the head and teleported him somewhere far away from the area she died... that whole kingdom was brutally killed from a cruel evil King...

The kingdom's name was "Aegean Kingdom a land of peace and the heart of Love" but it was brutally killed by the darklands kingdoms evil King...

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And another part of the world...

It was a stormy night the other side of the world those of a men with an umbrella walking down the street of their City, he just got out the grocery store buying food from his two sons one older than the other...

The man was an Elytrian he always been shown with big black wings and at the tip it was always Gray, the man always wore a green robe and sandals with a white and green hat but mostly he was an adventurer of all times..

His name was Philza Minecraft..

Phil was making his way back home when he passed an alley he thought he heard something but aside to just go ahead and start walking but when he was about to start walking he heard it again , it sound like it was a baby but phil sometimes hear stuff and it's not really nothing but this time it sounded real...

Out of his curiosity he decided to go through the alleyway to see what the noise was when he got closer to it sounded like a baby...

Phil then saw a blanket and little feet shaking in it he rushed over with his bags in his hands he walked down near the little one he saw that It was crying a lot but what really shocked Phil was there was a blood stain on his cheek...

Phil was shocked to see the blood stain on the baby's cheek and what's the baby doing here and in the cold and all a alone ,he got a closer look at the baby and put down his groceries as well, the baby open it's eyes and stop crying it started doing grabbing hands towards phil..

Phil smile at the baby he wondered "why was a baby out here in the cold, especially why did it have a blood stain on his cheek."

Phil was lost in this thoughts trying to figure out where the blood came from well the baby was starting to get frustrated he wanted attention of the man and then he started tear up, phil saw this and smiled he decided to pick up the baby to examine it more the baby got happy and didn't cry anymore.

When Phil was picking up the baby he knows it was a boy he have blonde hair and icy blue eyes it was a very beautiful baby to see, when he pick up the baby, he saw something glowing on top of the baby head, he removed some of the blanket that was on the baby and saw that he had horns and two fluffy ears, Phil was shocked to see the his tail was a unique tale it look like a raccoon but it also look like a demon tail..

Phil was really fighting the urge to take care of the baby and keep him safe from all things, but he already has two troublesome kids back at home and his wife that he didn't know she'll be okay with another child...

But with this baby it's different he felt the urge that he couldn't explain, but he needed to take the baby with them so that's what he did he took the groceries that he left on the ground and carried the baby all the way back to his home...

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Phil got to the area where he will be safe enough to start flying the reason why he was walking in the city is his house is kind of far away from it and it takes a while to get there he would usually walk, but since he has a little boy in his arms he couldn't do that since it is really cool.

Phil opened his wingspan so all the way and a little baby was amazed and looking at its wings, Phil notice every time when he paid attention or gave attention to the baby he will see a mark on his stomach, he's not sure what that means but he'll look it up when he gets home he does have a lot of books on different types of animals and hybrids...

Phil got up enough energy and flung up in the air the little baby was giggling the whole entire time, it didn't take long for them to make it to the house.

Phil landed it next to his house and make sure the baby was okay it seem to be getting kind of sleepy, he used his keys to unlock the door and when he opened it he heard his two sons arguing again..

But when they saw phil in the doorway they ran up to him and gave him a hug,"DADZA!"very excited to see their father but they also saw that he was carrying something...

//------To be continued--------\\

Look I tried

I feel like I succeeded but also I failed well all I have to do is just see if this works out.

1218 words

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