|I chapter 3 "the perks of life" I|

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(Third person POV this is the last one, I swear, the picture up there is what I was trying to go for his outfit)

. . . .

After those traumatic events happen it's been 3 years since dream has been in prison after the whole situation got unfolded by someone . . .

Tommy doesn't know who spilled it but, he's glad it wasn't him but dream thought it was Tommy when they were taking him to prison.

He said stuff that Tommy wish to never remember so he decided to not remember it well it's not like you can erase memories like Ranboo can well his problem was a medical condition, but after that day Tommy was allowed back in the dream smp and it has changed drastically...

When Tommy was still in the dream smp, it looked a lot dirtier and little village that lived, but now it looks like a town more people lived there now..

But Tommy was a little overwhelmed so instead of moving into the town to say to speak he decided to live in the forest very deep in the forest where he could spend his time doing whatever he could, but the only one condition he had to do was take therapy lessons with Miss puffy he didn't want to because those are expensive but puffy said that it would not cost a penny so, he agreed.

He also learned while he was living tubbo got married to Ranboo and adopted a child named Michael, Puffy is a therapist which is not a shocker, Quackity made a place called "Las Nevadas", Nikki made a bakery and so many more Tommy really did need to catch up well. . .

. . . .

Well, he tried

. . .

he made a cabin in the middle of the woods only he knows the directions of when he was done he decided to visit everyone he knows he went to tubbo and Ranboo first, but he saw them having a good time living their lives so he decided not to bother them. . he then saw all the other people he was supposed to meet they look happy. . .

He didn't want to ruin their happiness by ruining their lives by him.

So he just stayed in the shadows and mostly only went out to get more food or to go to a place that he calls a special place. . .

It was a flower garden that seem to be abandoned a long time ago probably 2 years ago before he got here but, the thing he liked about it was there's every flower, that existed flowers he didn't know that existed but he learned about them in the library.

Tommy had a secret talent that no one knew not even tubbo knew about his talent he likes to sing well he likes singing his feelings if he's sad he'll sing, if he's mad he'll sing but there's one thing he couldn't do in exile while it was dream. . .

But now he's out of his grasp, he can sing his heart out and no one will hear. . .

So that's what he did every once a week he'll go to that secret garden and sing a feeling he didn't feel just to see, how it feels because after being exiled he lost all the feelings he used once had. . .

. . .

But that changed after .one .small .mistake.

He said too much he knew he had a big mouth but he didn't think it was that big, he end up splitting something he wasn't supposed to and now he was in a predicament he didn't want to bother people.

But it does have something to do with the feelings he does have. . . .

. . . .

but what are those feelings?

(Tommy's POV)

*Beep*. . . *beep*. . .

"Aggghhhh..." I groaned I've been woken up by my alarm that alarm is for when it's time for therapy I don't like therapy that much but it's not like I can stop it if I do then. .

they well get louder. .

. . .

I get up from my bed and head to my bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day I had a long day ahead of myself I can feel it, I got out the shower and looked at myself in the mirror I've been noticing since I live out in the wild that my ears, tail and horns finally show they haven't been showing since I. . was in exile.

But they do look different now last time I saw them was when the first L'Manberg war happened when Wilbur told me to hide them so I look intimidating instead of looking to his word "adorable", which I'm not even sure how I look adorable back then.

My ears look like a raccoon ears but they look more like wolf and fox ears to me, my tail looks like Ranboo Tail but it's more fluffy and longer than Ranboo tail I can't really compare but I just made an estimate guess. . , my horns are red and at the tips they're black so I'm more of a hybrid almost like Ranboo but I think I'm more hybrid than he is.

I dry myself off and put on a red sweater, black jeans and black boots because today it's raining and it's really cold I mostly have on a jacket or cloak, so no one can see me and notice me all I do is go to the therapy session or get food I don't think people would like to see me.

I had to do a check on my refrigerator to make sure I don't need anything while I'm out, I know that I ran out of bread which is weird because it's not like I eat toast all the time.

. . .

Don't lie to yourself man we know you eat toast almost every single day. . .

Yeah dude you eat toast every single day like eat something else. . .

Yeah! like.. uhhhhhhhh~

Oh frick, I think the dude's broken again. . .

☌⏃⊬! ..⍜☍ ⟟'⋔ ⎅⍜⋏⟒. . .

Are you guys seriously roasting me for eating toast you do know that half the time, I can't even eat food so you roasted me eating toast ain't helping.

Anyways I always trying to avoid those voices those are different those are annoying to be honest, but for some reason I have good voices and bad ones but the good ones always be around me the bad ones only come to me when I'm in a bad state.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 5:49 a.m. FUCK I'M LATE THANKS TO YOU GUYS, I ran out the door and and make sure to lock it and have my key I made my way down to the town and this might be a weird feeling that I'm having but . . .

I have a feeling that I might screw up today

~~///-----------( to be continued )-----------\\\~~

Hello I am back also sorry this keeps taking so long the day I was making this it was my birthday I didn't really celebrate that day very well so I just took a day off.

But anyways thank you so much on the support even though it's Little Numbers it still means big to me!

And also every time when I make a new chapter I always have to go to the dream smp wiki just to check things out and I just learned a lot of stuff I didn't know which is shock I've been shookit


And there's a little fun fact about this book if no one is following me or just read anything I post you remember the "what's wrong with me..?" book no I'm not remaking that book but a little bit of Tommy's backstory is based off that book which I didn't explain which you'll find out later on but I need to stop talking and go to bed it was like 3:57 a.m. in the morning and it's still dark.

All right that's enough for me see you next time Noah out-

1326 words

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