|l Chapter 2 "the traumas of life" l|

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(A/n: sorry it took so long, I had to go deep into dream smp lord just to make sure I'm right about my theories, I will be changing some of the dream smp lord just for this. .)

(Still the third person POV)
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The family later took the baby in they decided to name him "Tommy", when Tommy was only 3 years old Phil and techno went out and they didn't come back... So Wilbur had to take care of Tommy at a very age alone the last time and that was the last time Tommy saw Phil or techno...

Wilbur had to take care of Tommy since wil was 19, at the time Wilbur was starting to make a nation called "L'Menberg", a couple years later a war started between L'Menberg and dream a very powerful man that have powers unknown to people...

Dream is a person known for manipulating people well that's what Tommy knows him from, Tommy can see it and clear day it's very easy to see it but from the person getting manipulated you can't really see it..

The war lasted for 6 months but Wilbur talks some sense into dream and they ended up doing a truce but they had to give one of Tommy's discs in order to truce and Tommy wasn't all for it but if it was for L'Menberg he will do it, but he did try and ask Wilbur to not give the disc but that was the only thing dream was bugging in order to end the war.

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At that time when there was no war Tommy got to hang out more with his best friend tubbo and since he was little they've been best friend and been inseparable they got to enjoy that well until the war started up again...

That ended it and having Tommy to make a big decision in order to give his disc back his Melody disc for independence from a member again or will have to demolish the nation call L'Menberg...

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In the short term Tommy had a lot of traumas happening in his life he was all around 10 years old and had to make big boy decisions at a young age...

At that time techno and Phil came back Tommy was kind of happy to see them but not the way you thought when Phil came back so did techno they ended up killing it his brother Wilbur and when he died Wilbur ended up being ghostbur instead.

And since Tommy was still Young he developed PSD from the wars a lot of stuff happening at those times but when Tommy turned 14 years old he was exiled on that day by his best friend, tubbo was manipulated by dream telling him that if he exiled tommy dream then L'Menberg will have its power back but it was just a lie.

He just wanted his hands on Tommy, Tommy was a person that helped people be out of his control so if dream had Tommy under control he can control back his Town back and have a happy family in there but...

It wasn't a happy family it was a tortured one...

Tommy was exile for 3 years which was torturous for him he end up losing a lot of Hope.. his eyes turn into not his beautiful blue but a very dark gray that had no pupils or shines who's basically dying inside he ended up having sleepwalking ended up and drowning in almost every time...

Well at least he had his brother ghostbur was there to kind of help.
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On Tommy 16th birthday he was still in exile he invited all his friends but they didn't came the reason why was dream took all the invitations behind Tommy's back and it was all the way to manipulate Tommy into thinking his friends did not want to see him or thinking that they didn't care and. . .

it worked for almost 4 years Tommy was in exile and on his 16th birthday. . .

he lost all hope. . .

///-------------(to be continued)------------\\\

Does this make sense? I'm not sure I'm basically confused I'm just going with the flow and I learned from Google that Tommy was in exile for 5 years 5 years that's a long time but sorry it took so long and there's your chapter it's going to take me longer than right the other one.

Noah out-

737 words

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