The Queen Without A Head

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Anne Boleyn had no idea how she'd gotten here. One moment, she and Henry had been perfect, inseparable lovers. The next, false accusations came in that she had been sleeping with other men. And now? Now she was in the Tower awaiting her execution and the execution of those condemned to die with her.

She giggled maniacally to herself. A Queen without a head?! Who would've thought. Her ladies peered up at her.

"What is she laughing about?" Lady Boleyn, her aunt, asked.

"Perhaps she is losing her mind before she loses her head." Lady Shelton said, tersely.

"Ladies, ladies! Let us prepare!" Anne laughed again, "I am today in a few days time for sure! Come, bring Constable Kingston!!"

How perfect, the timing was. For, a moment later, there was a knock at the door.

"Ah, the date has come!! I am to die!" Anne whispered, almost joyfully.

"Miss Anne, I have come with a message from the King." Kingston said, nodding his head.

"Oh, I am surely to die! I heard the executioner is good one all the way from France. They say he shall take my head in one swing. I do, after all, have a very little neck." Anne giggled and put her hands around her throat.

"'Tis true, but not quite the message the King had in mind." He replied, chuckling slightly.

~Earlier that day...~

"You mean to tell me that my people are supporting that witch?!!" King Henry VIII yelled at his advisor, Thomas Cromwell.

"Your Majesty, it would be wise to not start a civil war." Cromwell said.

"I. Don't. Care. I want her dead!" Henry almost whined.

"There are a few alternatives." His advisor replied, "You could marry her to a noble of your favor, exile her, or send her to a nunnery in France."

Henry thought for a moment, then declared, "She shall be an exile in court until I decide who will best suit her."

~Present Time...~

"The King has made the decision to let you live. You will return to court as an exile. Mo one may associate with you unless his Majesty allows it." Kingston announces.

Anne let out a gasp, "Please, Lord no! I would rather die than return to the nest of snakes and the pit of foxes!" She let out a sob and her ladies tittered about themselves.

"You are the only snake and fox here, Miss Boleyn. You committed adultery and incest."

Anne shakes her head and says brokenly, "Will his Majesty ever understand the truth? Only God above and those condemned know the truth! I would do no such thing... I loved him..."

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