We Shall Be Wed

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"Anne, must you really go?" Edward Adrion asked.

"Have you forgotten to call me Queen?" Anne joked.

"I mean it, your Majesty." Edward said, quietly.

"I must. His Majesty requires it. And he knows where I am now. He won't ever stop pursuing me, whether it's to have my head or have my heart." She whispered.

"I can't protect you. I am not a noble, I cannot go to court." He tells her. Anne looks out the window. It was dark and very few lanterns were lit.

"I can only offer you one form of protection. I..." The common man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black velvet box.

"Oh my God, you mean to marry me?" Anne cries, absolutely stunned.

"I am not requiring you to. It is the only protection I can offer you. If you want, we can annul it when you re-" Edward murmurs.

Anne cuts him off and declares without doubt, "We shall be wed, and we can discuss it further when I return."

He raises a brow.

"I haven't said no, have I, darling?" Anne asks lightly, her lips brushing against his ear. Then, she briskly turns away and strides out the door.

"My love, where are you going?" Edward asks, flirtatiously.

"Nowhere and everywhere." She says, smiling. Suddenly, she runs back towards him and falls into his arms. He hugs her tight and laughs with her own feathery laughing.

"We will wed tonight, and tomorrow I shall journey with you." Edward says.

~The Next Morning...~

The wedding was done in relative secrecy. There were only a few of Edward's friends, the priest, and the newly wedded couple that attended. After that they had toasted and returned to their homes. They had lain together, but Anne had still insisted on taking a tonic to prevent her from getting pregnant. She hadn't wanted a child that would only prevent her from doing what she needed at court. Yes, Anne Boleyn had a mission. It was clear that the King wanted her back in his bed, or so they believed, so Anne plotted a way to see her daughter again and get enough money to travel far, far away. Perhaps back to France.

"Goodbye, goodbye!" The people of Orygen chorused as Anne and Edward mounted their horses and rode off to Greenwich.

In silence, the pair spurred their horses back to court. Back to the king. Back to where it all began.

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