Light & Dark

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Anne Boleyn was fighting for her life. She could feel herself drifting in and out of conscious. She wasn't entirely sure as to what happened. One moment, she had been laughing with her sister, the next she felt a sharp pain in her back and then darkness. She awoke to find herself covered in blood with an arrow coming out of her back.

Anne was dying, she knew that. Honestly, she was fine with that. She deserved to die after how she had treated the Princess Mary, daughter of Catharine of Aragon. But first, she needed to reconcile. First she needed to say goodbye and thank everyone who had helped her through her final days of life. She needed to thank the man who had taught her how to smile again. Edward Adrion. 

And so, with the thought of the light of her life - Yes, that was what he was to her. A possible love interest, maybe, if she survived. And Anne fought back. She screamed against the darkness pulling her down.

"Anne! Blink if you can hear me." A voice floated through her mind. She winced and managed to blink a few times before closing her eyes again.

She sat up with a gasp and immediately regretted the sudden movement.

"She lives!" A strange man declared.

Yes, Anne Boleyn had survived an assassination attempt. She didn't die. But, a small part of her did die. Her soul. It was shattered. She was too far gone to save. She lay in the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling. Oh God, have mercy on her tormented soul when she truly died. Perhaps he would be content enough to let her live alone in purgatory. Or, better yet, Anne thought, burn in hell for the rest of eternity.

Anne Boleyn AgainWhere stories live. Discover now