French Rose

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Anne Boleyn watched Edward canter upon his horse and leap about the bales of hay. "Annette, come play!" He cried, and then he suddenly clamped his mouth shut, a look of worry appearing on his face, "I- I am so sorry, I didn't mean to call you that! Annette was my sister's name. I apologize profusely."

Anne smiled sympathetically and called out, "It would be lovely to meet your sister who's namesake we share!" She rode her horse closer so that their horses' tails were touching.

"That would be lovely, but my sister lives all the way in Paris!" He said in a fake French accent.

"Do you forget that I, too, spent time in France? I wouldn't mind a visit to a much more reasonable court." Anne said, bitterly.

"Oh no, I hadn't forgotten. Perhaps we shall visit in the springtime. You can see all your French roses for a rose like- Never mind." Edward cut himself off and Anne decided to pretend that she hadn't heard anything. Realistically, she knew what he was going to say. He had been about to say "a rose like you".

"Say it." She whispered.

"A French rose for a rose like you." He replied quietly, holding her gaze in those tender eyes of his.

Anne giggled lightly, "Then let us go to France so you might get me such a rose!"

"I needn't, for I already see one before me." Edward said, edging into the dangerous territory of flirting.

"Oh do you? And where do you see a rose? It is too cold for roses. Too dark." Anne replied, liltingly

"But I see one somewhere. Looking, looking..." Edward drawled, leaning closer to her, "Ah, found one." His lips were so close that his breath brushed across her hair, blowing gently.

"And what are you then? A gardener, perhaps? Tending to your rose?" She said, gaze intently focused on the kind man before her.

"If that is what you want me to be... But I would think myself more a hummingbird or a bee." He replied, eyes holding her intense stare.

"Enough of this." Anne said roughly and galloped away to the main road traversing through town. Sighing, Edward spurred his horse after her, the wind coursing through his very veins. "Anne! Don't roam too far! Not all are as kind!" He yelled. Anne paid no heed and continued toward the village market where she slowed to a rather attractive trot.

"Who is she, riding like a nobleman?" A commoner asked, peering up at her from his stall. "She looks familiar." Another merchant echoed.

Anne swiveled her head, staring directly at a couple standing at a farm stall. "Mary." She breathed, "Oh my God. Mary."

The woman turned her head towards her and her face lit with so many emotions at once. Happiness, confusion, anger, turmoil, and sadness.

"Oh my God, Anne." The woman called Mary sank to her knees, eyes cast downward. The man beside her quickly helped her rise. Edward soon recognized them to be Mary Boleyn, now a Stafford.

"Family reunion." He muttered as Anne dismounted and Mary rose and they raced towards each other.

"Anne, you're alive!" Mary exclaimed, blond hair flying, "I had wondered where you were!""Mary! What are you doing here? I thought you lived farther west!" Anne spoke over her. "Oh, William and I were just passing through." Mary said at the same time as Anne replied, "I escaped from court and found hospitality here." Both siblings laughed and collapsed to the ground. The townspeople were absolutely stunned. "Anne Boleyn? Mary Boleyn? The King's Queen and the King's mistress?"

~That Night...~

After the touching family reunion, all was merry in the marketplace. The people were throwing a feast in honor of Anne's survival. Edward supposed that's what happens in a town of reformists. Yet, something felt wrong. There was an air of unexpected peace. The calm before the storm.

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