He Who Gave Me Shelter

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Anne Boleyn road under the light of the moon and stars. She urged her horse faster and faster, galloping at a breakneck speed. At last, she was out of London and in the cold, seeded fields of the countryside. 

She rode for what felt like hours until she arrived at a small little village far down the banks of the Thames from where she started. Once there, she dismounted her horse and tied it to a tree in the woods not to far away from a little cottage. She paced for a moment, then worked up the courage to knock on the door. It cracked open.

"Who are you and why do you dare set foot on my property!" A cloaked man with brown-blonde hair called out to her. 

"I come to seek shelter, only for the night. I am a weary traveler." Anne replied.

"You name, traveler?" The man questioned. 

"Anne. Anne... Bolair." She said, quietly.

"A woman who travels alone? Unlikely. Tell me the truth." The man demanded, scoffing. 

"You do not wish to know the truth." She whispered, suddenly afraid.

The man narrowed his beautiful, stormy blue eyes at her. She looked up and he gasped a little. "Anne Boleyn." She declared. 

"Shouldn't you be dead?" The man asked.

"I should be." Anne said darkly. 

He nodded to her and said, "Come in. Unlike most, I appreciated what you did. You brought Protestant ideas and charities to the poor. I haven't much to provide for you, but I hope you will honor that I do my best, your Majesty." He bowed low and winked at her surprised eyes. 

"You know that I am not Queen, yes?" She frowned. 

"You are to me. Why would I ever respect such a plain, old-fashioned woman like Jane Seymour? I bet she could do no better than you." Anne sniffed disdainfully. "No offense." He added quickly. 

"'Tis fine. That whore shan't do much better than me. Henry shall see that." Anne smiled to herself.

"Come in, let me welcome you to my humble home. I am Edward Adrion, by the way." The man called Edward says, ever so softly and gently.

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