Lonely in a Crowd

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~Two months after the assassination attempt...~

Henry the Eighth stormed down the hall. Apparently Jane Seymour had nearly lost her child. "Satan haunts me! God sends my sons to hell for what reason?!" The King declared, angrily. The Queen looked up at him, fear gleaming in her eyes.

"My Master the King, he is safe. Our son is still safe!" Jane Seymour whispered, desperately. 

"Safe, yet my own advisors call me impotent?" Henry snarled. Jane curled in on herself and let out a slight whimper. Her ladies tittered about, gossiping quietly amongst themselves.

"I will see to it that I have an heir!" He said, then he softened, "It is alright, my darling Jane. Our son is alive. He is a survivor." Jane nodded and then stared off into the distance. He left the room briskly and ordered for his most trusted messenger. 

"Your Majesty, you called for me?" The man asked, bowing low. 

"Yes, find Anne Boleyn. It is time for her to return to court. I have let her escape for far too long."


"The King wants what?!" Anne cried, absolutely shocked.

"He requires your presence at court in Greenwich immediately, madam." The messenger that had arrived about an hour ago repeated. He came tired and weary from a long travel. He claimed to have traveled long down the Thames from town to town, looking for her. Edward had been tempted to throw him out, but Anne made him let the poor man stay. 

"I shan't return to that hell-hole!" Anne said with spitfire. 

"His Majesty demands it." The man declares, as though that could change anything, "He sent a gift in hopes that you would come."

He opens a lovely, pearl-rimmed box. Inside is a ruby necklace with a gold-plated 'B'. 

"The King thinks to mock me by sending me a near replica of my signature necklace? Ha! As if I'd want to come now." Anne chuckled.

"His Majesty only wished to gain your favor. He does not want you to live a wronged life."

"As if."

"That's what he told me to say."

"And you believe it?"


"A court of fools is what King Henry has. Especially with that Jane Seymour whoring about in my palace with my husband and my jewels and my title." Anne growled, angrily.

"HIs Majesty wants an answer." The messenger says impatiently.

"Oh, does he now? Is he waiting outside with guards, ready to arrest me? Or perhaps you are getting impatient, hm?" Anne said, slowly and sarcastically.

She thought for a moment, "Very well, I shall come. The King can dare to court me, for that is clearly what he wants. But, it is not so easy to court a Boleyn girl."

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