Snake in The Ballroom

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"Witch." "Whore." "Harlot." "Temptress." The scornful words of the court nobles echoed around the demoted ex-queen. "I can't believe his Majesty allowed her to return to court. The whore doesn't deserve it. At least he hasn't renounced her daughter being a bastard." A lord whispers as the dark haired, dulled woman walks by. She glares at him, but deeper down, she is a broken woman.

"His Majesty, the King of England!" A herald announces to the blast of trumpets.

The King in all his glory enters the ballroom and takes a seat on the throne. He gestures to one of his privy chamber men to pour wine. Then, he lifts his goblet high and declares, "Drink to the exile of traitors!" The nobles echo his toast and cheer loudly. Anne wished she could disappear as all of the courtiers turned to stare at her with hatred.

"Not all of them." A noble whispered to her partner. They glance away at the gray-clad woman walking up towards the king. Jane Seymour, the King's new love. "She is the witch. She has killed my child and stolen the King from me." Anne Boleyn whispered to herself.

"Let us dance to an end of bewitchment and a beginning of love!" Henry cried, "Dance with me, my lovely Jane. My dear rose..."

Together, the King and the soon-to-be Queen made their way to the floor and danced slowly and beautifully. Anne felt a tear stream down her cheek. My love. I was his love. I loved him. She thought. Her eyes began to water and she quickly excused herself and ran to her room. She sobbed quietly once the door was shut and stared at her reflection. A limp-haired, dull and broken woman stared back at her. 

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