Village Queen

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Edward Adrion knew that somehow, he needed to get Anne to love him. But what if she was going to leave today? Perhaps he'd invite her to stay. The townspeople wouldn't mind, they were all reformers and had revolted against Anne's execution. Thank God it worked.

Last night had been... odd. Edward wasn't sure if he'd ever seen such a broken, fearful woman before. He had been tempted to confess to her, then. But, he decided that it wasn't wise. Not yet, anyways.

"Are you alright, Anne?" He asked the Queen.

"I am, thanks to you. I do not mean to be such a beggar since I know you may not have much, but I don't suppose you have any meal? I haven't eaten since last afternoon." She asked."Of course, milady. Could I interest you in some morning tea, too?" He suggested. He decided not to add that he hadn't eaten a full meal since a fortnight ago.

And so, he laid out a simple, if not meager, meal of bread slathered with jam and hot tea. For once, that morning, Anne seemed to lose that sickly pallor to her skin and those dull, dull eyes became warm again.

"Do you wish to go for a ride? I have two fine mares. They're hunters." Edward said after the morning meal was over.

"Sure- OH - ! I left my horse in the woods!! I pray God that he is alright..." Anne exclaimed and hurriedly ran out the door. She sprinted through the woods, unencumbered by a skirt, and arrived at the place where she had left the poor horse. It was still there, lying on the ground with a small patch of flowerless plants surrounding him. His ears pricked up at Anne's beckoning and he gracefully rose up. "Oh, thank the Lord he is alright! I'm so, so sorry... Poor thing. Let us get you some real food." Anne whispered soothingly.

Edward watched her from farther back as she led the horse through the woods to his stable yard. "I shall get some hay and water. The far stall should be clear." Edward muttered, stumbling over himself to get into the house.

The kindness she paid that stallion, he'd never seen such a thing before. So many were quick to dismiss their noble steed's valiance and hard-work.

When he reached the stables with food and water, he found Anne already grooming her horse and humming warmly to it. "Ahem." He cleared his throat as he set down the pail of water and placed the hay in the trough. She looked up at him, eyes sorrowful and warm at the same time.

"Do you wish to go for a ride? I have a mare that you could ride while yours rests." Edward said, quietly.

"I would enjoy that, mister Adrion." She smiled coyly.

Edward saddled and reined his midnight black mare and handed the reins to Anne.

"Do you ride sidesaddle?" He questioned.

"No, I ride like you do." She said, voice dripping with ice at the suggestion.

"Very well." He nodded and moved to help her up, but she slid past him and easily mounted the horse. Echoing her movements, he mounted his and they rode out of the gates and into the sunny fields of Orygen town. For once, Anne Boleyn felt happy. And with bright eyes, she set off into the warm afternoon sun and brisk spring wind with a newfound companion.

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