The End

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The Clouds darkened with ash, smoke, and Death as the battle of all time had taken place. The battle of multiple ages has been the talk of the world; for thousands of years the master of darkness Cruzog the false God had been terrorizing humanity for centuries with his legions of undead, and mutant humans named Garuk-Nai.

For thousands of years Cruzog wanted to reshape the world known as Conterra into his image; time and time again heroes have came to thwart his plans. However Cruzog is highly known for his patience and tactical ability that'll always leave him victorious in strange ways. For thousands of years he'll lay out plans with the intention of failure in order to test out if his ultimate plan will succeed or not. Each plan he tested the might of humanity to collect more souls and personally challenge the "heroes" that has been selected to challenge him personally. Each time he had gained more and more information and methods to achieve his ultimate plan for world dominance, and collecting new souls for his army of undead that he has unleashed for this final battle.

The Four Kingdoms had joined forces with the heroes of this battle with the lead kingdom being the Terrakon Kingdom. The Terrakon Kingdom for the past few centuries have been the nation that has always fought Cruzog's nation of darkness (Rugol) to a bloodied stand still, while being the Nation that has always summoned or appointed heroes to challenge Cruzog's army and himself. Normally Seven heroes would be able to challenge Cruzog however this time the party of seven was cut down to a party of four due to tragic events involving Cruzog himself in an attempt to demoralize the heroes and make them run for the hills to ensure success; but it has worked against him as the heroes rallied the Kingdoms to unify under one banner to deal with humanity's common enemy. Rallying under the Terrakon Banner the largest force of Four point Nine million warriors from an able bodied boy in the smallest village to an elder man able to hold a bow or sword had gone to fight.

Despite this Cruzog was well prepared for such a force, countering with his own force of four million undead and two million Garuk-Nai. This is the fight of all human history, a choice of life or death, freedom or slavery. This battle brought out every weapon, tool, and beast that was used in war; the sounds of swords clashing, elephants roaring, horses screeching, men screaming, undead and Garuk-Nai howling, boulders and flying beast whistling through the air as the battles took a foot hold on the ground, in the skies above, and ships crash and exploded in the rivers and sea next to Rugol.

The soldiers, knights, rangers, and the King of the Terrakon Kingdom wore silver steel armor, Steel Chainmail, and steel helmets to whoever had one; they were dressed in white as the leading force of the assault while the other three nations were in the colors of blue, green, and orange. They all knew the risk when they marched into battle, and every single man knew it would most likely be their last fight. Every man was scared either for his family he wouldn't see again, his own life, or his brothers in arms. One young man in his late teens, who came from a small village in the mountains far from the gates of Tiuar where the Human nations have taken their battle to and past it. His name is Takara a private foot soldier who joined the draft of the Terrakon nation into the front lines of the main unit sent to attack Cruzog's nation.

The initial start of the battle was very brutal as Cruzog's forces unleashed metal weapons no one has ever seen before leaving Takara to see everyone in his unit and those that came from his village massacred in a matter of minutes. Yet they had all pushed on defeating the metal contraptions and pushed on as they charged deep into Cruzog's territory being led by the Four heroes who helped rallied the soldiers and pushed on.

And that's what Takara was doing being in the front lines swinging his sword that he felt like the sword was fusing itself into his palm while his sweat, his blood, the blood of men, and blood of Garuk-Nai and Undead covered him. The shield he had on his left was covered with mud and blood as he kept picking up a new one from the ground every time his previous shield broke. For six hours this young man fought catching his breath here and there when he found cover and waited for his breath to return to him and charge to the front. His helmet was surely battered and had several arrows stuck in it as it was strong enough to stop the arrows from going through all the way. Unfortunately he would still lose it as a Garuk-Nai warrior hit him so hard with its mace that his helmet flew off and knocked him out for a few seconds before he felt hands on him shaking him awake.

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