Small Moments

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The Sounds of the Terra Thicket was peaceful and quiet as the morning birds chirped in the morning, and the leaves danced in the wind. The wind blew a gentle breeze while the sun rays beamed through the tiny cracks of space left in-between the leaves.

It's morning over the mountain as the morning sun brought life to Sheep Aria Village, the Fruit Gardens, the Terra Thicket, and the Lumber House. Suddenly in the peace and quiet of the forest a sudden Snap echoed through the forest. The snap was very familiar during this morning as it is most mornings. The echo of the snap riveted through the forest is a gentle rhythm following the noise to the Lumber House. Etching closer to the Lumber House is the young man named Takara who is the one responsible for that snapping sound. He was chopping wood as the snap sound of chopped wood made echoes throughout the forest as he continued making firewood for the Village. Despite how most of the village treats him; the young man still goes out of his way to provide the firewood the Village needs.

"You have some nerve..." Another young man's voice was heard as Takara felt a smooth stone hit his back.

Stopping what he was doing he looked back to see Mekara with a couple of stones in his hand. Taking a deep breath Takara simply turned around and continued working.

"Don't give me that turn of your cheek garbage! Look at me!" Mekara yelled out throwing another stone that hit Takara at the back of the head, not making the young man flinch.

"What do you want? What did I do to get you this mad?" Takara asked softly before he chopped another piece of wood.

"You had dinner with them..." Mekara growled in a low and angry tone.

"They were just being nice Mekara, there's no need to-" Takara calmly replied before turning, and then covering his face to block the rock Mekara had thrown.

"You don't understand, I want and need you to stay away from Hisuinome." Mekara stated, walking up to Takara as they looked each other in the eye. Mekara being the shorter of the two glared up to Takara's eyes as they were calm, yet saddened. Without warning Mekara punched Takara in the face as the taller young man simply stood there and took the punch as if he wasn't fazed.

But despite his calm disposition Takara still felt the pain of the punch, he took a breath and simply looked back at Mekara who gritted his teeth for a second before throwing another punch across Takara's other Cheek. Yet still Takara stood there and only looked at Mekara who only grew more angry.

"You're seriously not going to say anything? Not even going to fight back!" Mekara shouted as he shoved Takara who fell and got nicked by the Axe behind him. But despite the cut on his left arm Takara still didn't say anything as he simply looked at Mekara.

"Tch You're a pathetic coward you know that? Well C'mon Soldier! Fight back! I bet you don't even know how to use your sword." Mekara yelled, looking at the sword on Takara's belt, and in its sheath. He grabbed one of the wood logs in his hand and pointed it at Takara.

"Get up. C'mon Get up, and fight back! There's no way a cowardly, pathetic, BASTARD child like y-you lived and J-Jargal didn't!" Mekara's Frustration started to show more and more as Takara didn't say a word as he stood up and looked at Mekara with a soft look.

"Mekara... I know you don't want to hear it... But Jargal and I became closer during those months we had left... I'm not going to fight you, Jargal wouldn't want us to fight." Takara calmly replied as he unclipped his sword and it fell to the ground.

"You don't have any idea what it's like... I lost my Only Brother!"

"So Did I... And I know what it's like Mekara, my whole family is gone at least you still have-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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