Sheep Aria Village

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There was a gentle cool breeze Blowing through the valley as the soothing sound of the waterfall echoed in the valley. The sun's ray of lights dimly lit the valley as it began to rise beyond the mountain range shining through the few yurt tents that were caught in the light.

In one of these tents two women slept on their bed together both with their long Raven black hanging messily around them, all the while a young boy with lighter black hair slept between them hugging the taller woman's stomach. The sun shone in their room making the two women's eyes twitch and groggily sit up.

"Haaaa!... You can sleep in mom... I'll get breakfast ready!" The younger woman said, stretching her arms up and looking at the clothes nest where she hung her dark green deel dress, black pants, and her boots next to it.

"It's ok Hisuinome, It's going to be a long day today. The knights are leaving today and the women agreed to make them a feast. Speaking of which, do you mind taking Kouki with you today?" Hisuinome's mother said, sitting up fixing her hair into a ponytail.

"Sure I can take him. I was planning on picking more fruits today for Aunt Gina, she had asked me last night and I now know why she needs more of them." Hisuinome said fixing her hair into a ponytail as well but with a bang over her right eye, and putting her clothes on.

"Ah yes she told me she wanted to make pies for the knights before their journey back to the capital."

"That's good, speaking of Knights. Hey mom, what's the story with Takara?" Hisuinome asked her mother as she went to their small kitchen.

"Only that the village doesn't like him for some reason, I'll be sure to ask because they should be happy that at least he came back but I understand why the ones who didn't have family return would be upset." Her mother said opening a cabinet and grabbing some eggs out.

"You know Mekara said he didn't have any, and his demeanor towards that boy was something I've never seen from him, perhaps they don't get along or he was just upset that Takara had come home alive while his brother did not." Hisuinome said starting a fire for their stove.

"They had a small plague wash over this village before we had arrived. I think Mekara was one of the few boys infected so he couldn't leave and fight. You know I overheard the soldiers talk with that Takara boy and they have great respect for him, I don't know why the other villagers look at him as if he's some curse but he looks like a nice boy." Hisuinome's mother shrugged before she scrambled some eggs in a bowl and started cooking them in a pan over the stove.

"You think so? Well we'll be seeing him around so perhaps I'll get to learn more about him."

"Normally I wouldn't say this because I know how diligent you are. But do be careful especially around Mekara. I know he's a good boy and all but I don't think he'll be in a good place for a while... Though if he's with you then-"

"Hold up mom, let's not do that. I agree that Mekara's a good guy, but he's nothing more than a friend. Plus I'd want someone like Dad." Hisuinome said, taking some fruits and cutting them as her mother paused before looking at her daughter.

"How so?" She asked as Hisuinome looked at her with her bang covering her right eye as she smiled at her mother.

"Someone who's strong, caring, patient, can provide for me and our family with food whether it's from hunting to gathering. I don't care which, protection, and most importantly someone I can laugh and cry with." Hisuinome said, tending back to the fruits.

"Aw... Hito would be so proud to hear you say that."

"You think so? I'm not too sure, if Dad was still around he would not approve of me hanging around with the boys of this village... Then again with the work that has to be done around here I don't think he would be as strict as I'm thinking." Hisuinome said as she touched her chin looking up.

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