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“Hah... Is it finished yet?" Takara asked the Captain as he watched the unit walk towards him, Most of them covered in Black Blood.

"Just about. Are you ok to walk?" The Captain asked sitting on the Barli next to Takara.

"Yea, I'll be fine... Especially once we find that nest..." Takara grunted as he stood up and held his left arm.

"You don't have to worry about that." The Captain said putting a hand on Takara's shoulder.

"But- A herd can easily-"

"I know Takara. But you need to rest, much like the rest of us." The Captain stated as everyone started piling Garuk-Nai bodies into piles.

"I understand... Can I help with this?" Takara asked as the Captain shook his head.

"No go rest up you did enough and a good job today." The Captain says, while Takara nodded and started walking back towards the village.

Takara walked through the Terra Thicket taking deep breaths showing his exhaustion. He held his head up trying not to fall asleep as the fight had taken a lot out of him. Especially after he fought the Barli. It came as a surprise to even him when he took out that monstrosity. The fact he did so was very impressive; considering he is a young human man.

"I guess that Girl and her brother made it back safely... That's good... Less for me to worry about..."  Takara thought as he walked forward.

As he walked deep in his thoughts he didn't hear the thuds in the high trees above him as someone was following him. In the trees above was the Woman he had saved earlier. She leaped from tree to tree to keep a distance from him and yet to keep an eye on him. She witnessed the end of his fight with the Garuk-Nai and the Barli. She never witnessed anyone do anything similar to the feat Takara did, so naturally she was curious and she had wanted to make sure he was ok as well.

"That man is named Takara... Stay Away from him!" Is what's echoed in her head from her friend.

"Sorry Mekara... But he saved me and Kouki... My Dad would hate it if I didn't thank him." The Woman thought to herself as she went on ahead to cut Takara off or at least appear in front of him.

"Ok just stay here and then-" The woman thought to herself before she heard a sudden snap as the branch she was on looked like it would break up.

"Uh oh... Ah! Phew..." The Branch has fallen however she managed to get on another one quickly sitting on it.

"Are you Ok?" Takara had asked looking up at the woman causing her to jolt with shock as she looked down to see the young man looking up at her.

"O-oh I'm fine... Actually..." She says while jumping down to face him. It was here Takara was able to see a familiar Green Deel dress and Emerald green eyes of the woman along with her Raven Black hair.

"Hey you're the-"

"M-my Name is Hisuinome!... Heh... I hm... I wanted to thank you for saving my life and more importantly the life of my little brother." Hisuinome said placing a hand on her heart showing her sincerity.

"Hm... No need for thanks... I was... Merely doing what anyone else should.... And... My name's Takara..." Takara said holding his arm and looking to the side.

"Oh really? And yea I knew your name Takara... I haven't been in this village long but you're... I wanna say famous... Heh..." Hisuinome said with a slightly embarrassed smile, wishing not to be awkward.

"I guess... And you sure you're ok? You must be hurt from that attack..."

"Oh yea but I'm far better than how you look... You must be really hurt fighting that nest... If you'd like I can help tend-"

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