Work Pt. 1

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The Morning Sun was rising as there were few Sun-Rays landing on the Valley of the Village. One of these rays landed on a Yurt far from the Village. Inside the Yurt is a Young Man alone as he starts to wake up when the light hits his eyes. He sits up and stretches his body, wincing a bit as he still feels some sharp pains from the Garuk-Nai Attack. Whether it was physical or mental he doesn't know he still felt the effects nonetheless.

As he stands up he sees the inside of his empty Yurt, a dusty Pot in the middle with coal, ash, and wood that hasn't been used nor changed, an empty bed on the other side of his home. Boxes, chests, a small kitchen with an oven, and cabinets all empty and dusty. The day before he had cleared out Webs in his home before he started his training session and wished the Knights and Soldiers goodbye. He gets dressed in a short tunic shirt with black pants and boots while he looks at his padded tunic, breastplate, greaves, and gauntlets that were hung up. He gets his sword that's in its scabbard and buckles it on his belt to his hip.

"Takara... Are you awake?" An elderly voice from outside his Yurt called out before lifting the sheet door to his home.

"I'm awake Chief..." Takara said slowly, opening a box of brushes and a broken besom that made him sigh.

The Elderly Man enters his home and looks around the place seeing all the dust and taking in the lonely feeling.

"Just so you know, Since we are down in manpower; You'll also be necessary to help around the village."

"I understand that." Takara said with a sigh as he placed the broken besom underneath the big pot.

"That means you'll have to Shepherd the sheep, hunt and-"

"With all due Respect Chief Jochi. I believe my services will be better suited for defending the Village and working at the Lumber House." Takara said, bringing out a Chisel in his hands before looking at the Chief.

"We'll just have to hire a Carpenter from other villages. Nobody here would want your work anyways. Besides, the knights have taken care of that Garuk-Nai nest. So we don't have anything to worry about now. Matter of fact we don't need to rely on you at all. You should leave here but since you decide to stay you might as well do the tasks I give-"

"You're wrong."

"Excuse me?" Jochi asked, raising his eyebrow at Takara who put his chisel in the box.

"My family had a line of men who built these Yurts of this village. I can fix things here, I can make more. I even learned more in these past three months I left to fight in that war. This is how I can help the most. Also the Garuk-Nai are like parasites you'll never know when they'll return, and it's not just them. You may not know this but things are changing out there. It's not just Garuk-Nai but there are Raiders as well out there. And I can teach these skills if only-"

"No! That's out of the question! With few men we have left we must build up what we can. We have plenty of young men as well all around your age. Besides... You think anyone would learn anything from you? It's because of you my grandchild lost h-"

"That wasn't me and you know that. Have you forgotten that I lost too? If you want to keep them all safe..." Takara looked down for a second clenching his fist to push himself to speak up.

"Then please I beg you, convince them to see past-"

"It will never work." Jochi interrupted Takara as his anger was growing as he headed to the door.

"You are a cursed child... Your mother had a curse too! It's a Generational Curse that can't be undone. Much like her... You will end up dying alone and forgotten. So do as you please but know what I really want is for my people to be safe... From You." Jochi says as he leaves Takara's home who simply held his head down.

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