The Beginning

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In the Terra Thicket, there is an area not far from the Lumber House and a small distance below the Fruit Gardens in elevation is a small and quiet area in the woods that many are not aware of. This area is much like other parts of the forest and has no particular special markings, resources, or landmarks. Because of the Mountains there are several boulders along with a few stones scattered around the area. It is the perfect place for someone seeking isolation or a place to think.

The sounds in the area are soft and subtle. Flowing the air of peace the forest gives, a peace that a young man named Takara is very fond of. It is his favorite spot to escape from the judgment of the village. He would spend time with his brother's in arms but for right now he wanted alone time to think and to practice. After reaching his spot he looked for some decent sized stones and placed them on a boulder he's using as a bench/ table, even grabbing some broken outer bark he found on the floor and stacked it onto the boulder.

After he gathered the stones and bark, Takara brought out his bow and set the quiver of arrows next to the boulder. He grabbed one as he then threw it in the air in front of him quickly aiming his bow and drawing his arrow watching the stone fall from the air. He released the arrow as it traveled through the air with great speed flying towards the falling stone and completely missing it.

"Wonderful…" The young man said, grabbing another arrow and stone repeating what he had done.

"Missed again…" The young man sighed, grabbing another stone and throwing it. This time his arrow flew true and hit the stone making its fall get diverted in another direction. When he saw he hit his mark Takara gave a satisfied smile before he grabbed another stone to repeat the process. 

Arrow after arrow, stone after stone, bark after bark; Takara trained himself to at least connect each arrow to these targets he picked up off the floor. Archery was a skill he always viewed himself being lesser than the other archers he knew, even the men that went with him to fight in the front. It was always easy to hit a target that stood still or was naturally slow, even though at this level most hunters are ok with similar skill, Takara wanted to improve even further to master the bow much like how he mastered swordsmanship in that battle and training. Because of the number of enemies he had killed he had felt a connection to the sword strapped on his hip as if it felt natural to him any time he drew it. A feeling that the next battle he takes a part of would cause his sword to never leave his hand. It's a feeling the young man wants when using his bow the next time he fights or when he hunts. Or perhaps he just wants to get better especially for a village that doesn’t share an ounce of sympathy towards him.

“You’re a Bastard Child, a cursed child, the fact you’re the only one who came back alive only further proves your a cursed child.”

“Look, it's Takara, Kotonoha’s Son… Best we stay away from him.”

“The Cursed child of the unfaithful couple…”

“Don’t be fooled, his mother was sweet and look what kind of monster she turned out to be.”

“He looks too much like his father. Watch out for him too.”

These constant reminders echoed inside the young man’s head anytime he came to a stop to pick up the arrows off the forest floor. Every single statement he has heard as gossip, and spat on his face throughout his years growing up in the village. The ridicule he faces against the other villages has become very normal to him; but nevertheless it doesn’t mean he doesn’t get hurt by it. There were often times where Takara had thought about taking his own life however when those times came something always tugged at his heart as he’s reminded to look at the positive parts of his life and the few people who he actually gets along with. Marlin the hero of blue, Zac a knight, and Ishil the mute bowman who all became friends with him. Even though it was very recent where they became friends just knowing he had made them was enough to further motivate him, especially in the memory of his Grandmother. The only good memories he had of the village; the ones he holds onto, cherishes, and drives him to try his best for the village. It’s a hard choice however that is the choice he makes because he has faith that one day it’ll turn around for him.

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