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"Kotonoha... Kotonoha!" A woman who looked to be in her early forties dressed in a blue deel dress yelled out as she walked around her Yurt.

"Sorry about that Mom! Hehe I was just visiting Makoto." A young woman with chest long black hair, black eyes, and a Lilac colored Deel Dress said, coming to her mother.

"Makoto again? Sweetheart I do not want you messing with that boy." Kotonoha's mother said crossing her arms.

"I know mom~ but he's not all that bad ok?" Kotonoha said with a blush and small smile as she twirled part of her hair.

"Young lady I do not want you to mess with that boy. Do you understand?"

"Mom I'm eighteen years old I'm practically an adult now. I'll be fine." Kotonoha said as her mother frowned and then clocked Kotonoha over the head.

"Would an Adult still get smacked over the head?" Her Mother retorted her right hand in a fist.

"OWIEEE... Ok I get it... Sorry." Kotonoha said puffing her cheeks and holding her head.

"Good. I'm heading to the garden with some of the older women to gather. The younger women including you are doing laundry at the river today... Since the winter is coming we'll be out later than usual. Can you start dinner tonight?" Her mother asked while crossing her arms.

"Yes ma'am. I'll make sure all the clothes are clean today!" Kotonoha smiled.

"Good... And stay away from Makoto."

"Okay Mom~" Kotonoha says as she entered the Yurt.

Kotonoha was an ordinary village girl just like the rest of everyone. She did her task and chores throughout the village. To the Village she was a classic Beauty. Sweet and kind she was. Much like every girl she would fall in love with a boy young and handsome. However the problem was that the boy she fell in love with had also captured another woman's eyes.

And that woman's name is Sekai... The village chief daughter. She is a beautiful young woman with cheek long brown hair worn in a bun, light brown eyes, and she wore a beautiful pale yellow deel dress. Being the Chief's daughter came with many ups and downs, however Sekai loved to involve herself into the matters of the village and to partake in chores they'll do around the village.

As Kotonoha made her way to the river the other wives, and daughters made their way to the river collectively doing Laundry while most of the men attended the sheep, the farms, or hunted. However Kotonoha was a bit different from the others. She had typically tended to her chores separate from the other women not because she had a bad relationship with them, but she didn't know how to communicate with the others, especially when she wasn't with her mother.

"Ok wait. What exactly does this have to do with the story?"

"Hisuinome I was just getting to it!" Mekara exclaimed looking at her.

"Ok But why're you being so Cryptic about it and just get to the point?!" Hisuinome said as she crossed her arms with a bit of a pout.

"It would be wise of you to get to the point. Mekara after all I haven't learned about this yet it'll be nice to learn why everyone is so passionate about disliking Takara." Nomin petted her son's head as he slept on her lap. The Feast was still going as a farewell to the soldiers and knights.

"Hm ok ok ok.... I'll shorten it... Makoto was set to marry Sekai however Kotonoha claimed Sekai stole Makoto from her and had even accused Makoto of rape. The problem was Sakei and Makoto were engaged to each other which is a vow that everyone in the village has to respect. Especially involving the Chief's daughter which was taboo to accuse or even claim the things Kotonoha had claimed." Mekara said as Hisuinome listened thoroughly as she held her chin.

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