Work PT. 2

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   "Ugh... Why do I have to be on Sheep Duty?" Mekara complained as he leaned on his Shepherd's Stick as if his legs were getting tired.

"C'mon Mekara Herding Sheep is an honest Job. Plus if you can't handle these Sheep then how can you handle your own family when your time starts?" A young man with Short and spiky black hair, and blue eyes said as he slapped Mekara's Back making him stand up.

"Ow! You meathead! Seriously, what would you know about that anyway, Batu?" Mekara asked in an annoyed tone and looked as he fixed himself and stood up.

"Clearly you haven't been paying attention in those marriage and relationship classes. Being with the woman you love and making her happy and providing for her is essential. Plus when our time comes we have to teach our own kids and protect them... Just like herding sheep." Batu said with a smile as Mekara simply responded with a groan.

"Ugh... You sound like an old man..." Mekara groaned.

"You know if you don't want to lose Hisuinome to one of us it's best you listen Mekara." Another young man with soft black hair that covered his ears and blue eyes said as Mekara glared at him directly with his brown eyes.

"Oh Shut up Atlan. I know you like Hisuinome as well but there's no way in hell she'll end up with you." Mekara retorted, looking at him and pointing his staff at him.

"You're right Mekara because unlike you two. I'm the real man compared to the both of you." Batu said, irritating the two boys.

"Oh Shut it Meathead!" Mekara said as the three boys comically growled at each other.

"Oi! Why don't the three of you brats Shut up and watch the sheep!" An Older and shorter man shouted at them as he spat on the ground looking at the youngsters in annoyance.

"There you see you got old man Arban Upset at us. He's Growing more Wrinkles because of you two!." Batu Said with a Sly look as Arban looked back at them and with a snarl spat on the ground before overlooking the Flock of Sheep.

"Ugh... Fine back to... Herding Sheep... Seriously, why couldn't I just hunt... stinking old man never lets me hunt." Mekara complained going back to his spot and lazily moved a sheep back into the flock.

"Well... You can't shoot a bow." Atlan said.

"And you've broken multiple spears trying to use them like a sword." Batu said.

"Ugh... But using a sword would be so much better. I could fight armies with a sword!" Mekara said with confidence mimcing swordplay.

"You don't know how to use a sword. None of us do... Well, except Takara. I was thinking about tak-" Batu said before he felt a pebble hit his chest looking at Mekara as his eyes glared at Batu.

"Don't even think about it. We're better off waiting for an actual swordmaster to train us... Do you really want to learn something from a Bastard Child?" Mekara asked his stare is cold, lifeless as his brown colored eyes sank into Batu making the more bulker man slightly nervous.

"Dude Mekara... It's like you turn into someone completely different when Takara is mentioned. Look I know everyone in the village hates him but... He did step up to fight in the war. Maybe he-"

"SHUT UP! HE'S A COWARD! NO WAY HE WAS SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT BACK ALIVE!" Mekara yelled out, surprising the two boys, making them slightly nervous.

"How about... We dropped this conversation... Hm? Is that Hisuinome?" Atlan asked, looking at the distance to the Main Yurt used by the Farmer and Butcher. They see The beautiful young woman that they are all captivated with walking to the Yurt.

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