Chapter 7

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Haha two chappies in one night!!! I'm on a role! It's a school night and I'll have to be up super late with HW because of this but it's worth it so I don't care! Hope you guys enjoy this and point out my mistakes. :)





She believed in me. Now this was more about proving to myself I could be in a relationship and less about Erik. "Hey, everyone's ready to head out." Ben said as soon as we got back to the table.

"Alright." Rebecca said as I nodded. We went out to the parking lot where my night in shining armor (Wyatt) was waiting on his noble steed (AKA motorcycle).

"Hello my princess! I've come to take you away!" He said in a fake English accent. I laughed and curtsied before mounting, wrapping my arms around him and putting my head on his shoulder.

"Where to my prince?" I whispered into his ear.

He shivered and answered in a shaky voice- "Anywhere you wish princess."

"Hmmm" I thought as he handed me a helmet. "Let's go on an adventure." Was my thoughtful response as I put on my headgear.

A chuckle vibrated through his back, against my body. "Then we'll follow our trusty caravan. They know the way." I laughed out loud. That was Wyatt's way of hiding the fact that he was horrible with maps and directions. Too bad I already knew all too well.

*Honk honk* "Let's go love birds!!! We're waiting on you!" Kelly yelled as he drove by. The motorcycle vroomed to life and I jumped at the suddenness of it making some of the guys in the van laugh.

A sigh resounded from my lips as we hit the road. Right now it didn't matter where we went or how long it took. At that moment we were free. Then why did I have this eery feeling in my gut that things weren't okay. Or at least they wouldn't be in the near future.....

"God please don't ruin this." I whispered to the wind. Then a little louder to the sky.

After a while it started getting dark and the van slowed down and pulled off to the side of the road. In the dim light I couldn't see any sign of life as far as I could see except for us. It was so desolate. I loved it but I hated it at the same time. It reminded me of loneliness yet it was beautiful at the same time.

Rebecca came over to me. "We're stopping for the night." She said grumpily. "Here. In the middle of nowhere."

I laughed and wrapped an arm around her. "It's not as bad as it seems... It's like an adventure."

"Yeah sure.... You would say that." She frowned. "I didn't know we'd have to sleep on the ground!"

"We have a couple tents." Ben said reassuringly.

"A couple meaning how many exactly?" Wyatt asked  curiously.

"Two." Erik spoke up. "We didn't realize we'd have more people coming along." His voice sounded cold and detached like he wasn't even going to bother trying to hide his feelings. It pulled at my heart to hear that.

"What are we going to do about the sleeping situations?" I asked to get my mind off of Erik.

"Well the girls should have a tent and the boys should have a tent." Rebecca piped up causing Erik and Wyatt to cast murderous glares at each other. One night in the same tent and they would kill each other.

"Well I agree that one tent should go to the ladies...." Ben rubbed his chin in thought.

"Two boys in the remaining tent and two boys in the car?" I suggested to give them the option of being separated at least. They all nodded and muttered agreements.

"Come on let's go change." Rebecca suggested while the guys tried to make a fire.

"I think I'm just going to sleep in this." I said looking down at my jeans. They would be uncomfortable but I didn't one of the boys to walk in on us dressing. She rolled her eyes and pushed me toward the van. The fight going out of me I found my purple duffel bag and rooted through it for something decent to wear.

"You should wear this!" Becca advised holding up a pink, frilly nightgown that would come to right above my knees.

"No way." I said barely looking at the garment. Instead I pulled out a black tank-top, plaid pajama pants, and converses. Perfectly unattractive.

"Ugh." Rebecca said once I was dressed. It's true I was nothing against her but I was beyond the point of caring. Yes she was beautiful, but she deserves it so I'm happy.

Once we got out of the vehicle the boys were high fiving because they made fire. It reminded me of a bunch of cave men... Then I laughed when I actually looked at the fire. If I could even call it a fire... It was puny! Barely even a flame. If I were to describe it... It looked like a pile of oddly placed sticks with a tiny, lighter-sized flame coming out the top.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind that blew out the candle. "Make a wish..." I whispered smiling as the guys morned their loss. "Listen guys," I called out to them, "why don't you all start putting up the tents while Rebecca and I give this a shot."

"Pshh, you can try!" Kelly said skeptically as they followed my orders. Laughing me and Rebecca gathered the kindling (useless scraps of paper and twigs) and put them in a small pile on the ground. Then we gathered wood and put it systematically around the kindling.

"Can I do the honors?" Rebecca asked holding a lighter. I nodded and she lit the paper scraps. We watched it spread to the twigs before slowly setting the bigger wood aflame. The guys noticed and stared in astonishment making us giggle uncontrollably.

Good times.......

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