Chapter 5

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I spotted the van in the parking lot and inwardly groaned.

"Come on babe! Stop inwardly groaning!" Wyatt said cheerfully reading my mind.

Rolling my eyes I took his outstretched hand and walked into the restaurant. This was going to be difficult to convince them but it was worth a try... Right? Before I could change my mind Ben spotted us from the table and waved us over.

"Oh god..." I whispered as Erik began to turn around to meet my gaze.

"Look at me like you love me." Was Wyatt's clever reply to the current situation. Even though my heart told me not to I looked at Wyatt anyway and a small smile formed on my face. It was unbelievably easy to fill that expression with love. Breaking eye contact we sat down next to each other at the table, hands still intertwined.

They all looked at us curiously but it was Kelly who finally broke the forming silence. "Are you two dating?"

I blushed scarlet and immediately said "no!" while Wyatt said "yes". He looked at me feigning hurt. "I thought you were ready to tell people..."

Shaking my head at myself I looked up at my friends. The only one who suspected anything was Rebecca, who was smiling like a lunatic. "It's true." I finally said, somewhat solemnly earning me a kick from Wyatt. "We are dating." I clarified.

"Since when?" Ben said, the side of his mouth lifting into a crooked smile.

Oh great, was my initial reaction. I was truly grateful he wasn't still love with me.

"Well this has been going on for a while now..." Wyatt piped in. "But it wasn't official until... what? Like a month ago? Sound about right babe?" I sat still for a moment not realizing he was talking to me the nodded thoughtfully.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Erik choked out making my heart ache for him. Then Rebecca practically yanked me out of the chair and jumped up and down with me feeling like a rag-doll. Mid jump she whispered "I don't believe this charade for a minute" making me smile. That was my friend for ya. She knew me so well for such a short time of being friends.

"Let's celebrate by eating!" Kelly suggested picking up a menu before declaring- "pizza!"

"No!" Rebecca refused. "Just because were all going on a road trip doesn't mean were allowed to get fat!"

"Come on! Live a little!" Protested a hungry Kelly. Rebecca opened her mouth to argue but he was already waving over the waitress. I watched Kelly order the pizza for all of us and tried to ignore Wyatt's arm snaking around my shoulders. He leaned toward me and seductively whispered gibberish into my ear making me laugh. His breath tickled my neck and I found the situation so hilarious!

Eventually when I couldn't stop laughing I grimly noted the whole table was watching. "Can I speak to you in private for a moment?" Grateful for an escape I followed Rebecca outside. We leaned against the building and I sighed a breath of relief. "What up?" As soon as she uttered those two words I spilled the whole story, knowing I couldn't keep it from her.

"-and I just feel so confused." I finished with a groan.

"Well I just have one question." She confessed.

"And that is?" I asked warily.

"What the hell was he whispering into your ear that was making you laugh so damn hard?!" She asked shaking her head disapprovingly. Although the smile on her face somewhat ruined the effect...

I began to laugh again and this time she joined me. This was why she's my best friend. Any other girl would think I'm so weird... Wyatt suddenly came out and stood beside us. Without question he began to laugh as well.

How did I score friends like these?

The world will never know.

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