Water Control

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The bedroom was quite a lot smaller than Wolfie realised, with heaps of clothes scattered around and the bed almost completely covered in discarded pieces of clothing.
Wolfie had spent the better part of the afternoon trying to tidy up as much as possible but it didn't really work well since there were hardly any clean things. They tried their best though and eventually cleared a space on the floor. Wolfie grabbed a handful of books and placed them in a thin rectangle, representing a bench. They carefully sat in the middle of the book-bench and closed their eyes for a minute, the room silent apart from their quiet breathing. They tried to imaging the presence of two people beside them. They tried to imaging the voices, the laughter, but nothing worked. They brought their knees to their chest and opened their eyes.

"Where are you?" Wolfie mumbled, their voice hollow.
"Who are you talking to?" a voice asked from above. Wolfie panicked and looked up at the plastic turtle that hung from the ceiling. Their gaze fell upon glistening eyes which earlier seemed dull.
"Gwen! You scared me! What are you doing up there?"  Wolfie exclaimed.
"I like the way this swings," Gwen said, rocking sideways so the turtle swayed ever so slightly. Wolfie felt their cheeks go hot as they stood up and walked away from the books. They looked up at Gwen to see why she had fallen silent only to realise she was staring at a net cannon that they had built when they were younger.
"That's closet to you, can you pass it over to me?" Wolfie asked, and Gwen pounced on a nearby bookshelf reach it. Wolfie stated in case she fell but she didn't somehow. She grabbed the net cannon and passed it down to Wolfie.
"Watch this," Wolfie instructed and aimed the cannon at the turtle, firing at it. A large  net wrapped itself around the turtle like a blanket. Gwen stared at it, her eyes full of wonder. Suddenly she stared at a corner and crawled away.
"Gwen?" Wolfie asked. Gwen crawled back, a pufferfish in her hand.
"Use this, it'll be more fun with a moving target," She said. Wolfie smiled and swapped the net cannon with the pufferfish, and threw it up. Gwen shot at the fish and caught it, a smile on her face that stretched from ear to ear. They continued playing, and Wolfie didn't even mind it when Gwen got more points than them. After a while, Wolfie leaned back against a chair, trying to catch their breath.
"Giving up already?" Gwen chuckled, balancing on a small table.
"I was just letting you win, I could've beaten you easily," Wolfie said.
"So who were you talking to?" Gwen asked, staring at Wolfie, who went quiet.
"They were my best friends, but I killed them."
"Surely you didn't mean to--"
"It was my fault!" Wolfie shouted, then let out a sigh and stood up. "Come on, I'm going to beat your score no matter what it takes."
Hours later, Wolfie wasn't sure, but they both started giggling hysterically. When the game ended, Gwen stared at a dark corner like a cat seeing something other people couldn't.
"Gwen?" Wolfie asked, but she didn't respond. She crawled to the corner and returned with a pot of seawater that they had got for testing.
"Gwen..?" Wolfie asked, this time in a concerned tone.Gwen removed the lid of the pot and raised her hand above it. A smooth cone of water rose from it and touched her hand. Gwen's eyes widened in disbelief and she laughed, water spraying in her face before settling back down.
"You- you controlled the water! You did it!" Wolfie exclaimed
"I did it," Gwen repeated, staring at Wolfie.
Gwen reached into the pot of water again. This time, the water began to rise faster and faster until the whole surface burst out with a large whirlpool. Gwen laughed and the water once again shrank and settled down. She held onto a chair with one arm and swung around in circles. Her laughter rang through the house, bouncing off every wall, echoing and resounding.
Wolfie watched and smiled, feeling content for the first time in what felt like months.
"I control water! I control water!" Gwen repeated, laughing loudly. "I controlled water!"
She stopped abruptly and stood still. She looked at Wolfie and grinned widely.
"Did you hear that? Water is controlled by my thoughts!" Gwen yelled and launched herself into the air, spinning around in a dizzying circle. "We have control of the water, we have control of the water, we have control of the water!" she chanted.
"Yes we do! We have control over the water, we are master of the ocean!" Wolfie replied. Gwen's joyous laugh was contagious and Wolfie found themselves laughing too. Gwen looked at her and smiled.
"I did it," Gwen repeated, this time, a lot calmer.
"You did it," Wolfie responded, unable to stop smiling.
There was something about Gwen that made them feel happy, something that gave them an odd sense of comfort whenever she smiled and laughed. It was then they realized that they had grown tired of everything. They yawned, and Gwen immediately grabbed their hand and dragged them to the bed.
"No! I need to keep watch," they protested weakly as they tried to wriggle away from her grip.
"Wolfie, come on!" Gwen pulled them down gently onto the mattress. "Sleep!"
Wolfie sighed but laid down anyway. Their eyelids drooped and their body relaxed.


A while later, Wolfie awoke, expecting to be cradled by Gwen, but she didn't seem to be in the room. Panic took hold of their chest as a new wave of exhaustion hit them. They stumbled up from the bed and searched the flat for any trace of Gwen. They couldn't find them anywhere and fear set deep within their bones.
They ran around the rooms, calling for her name, but received no response. They ran out the house and around the street in an attempt to find clues to where she was. After finding nothing, they turned to go back home when they heard a scream: "What is that woman doing up there!?"
Wolfie quickly turned and ran to where the screams were coming from. A crowd of people were staring at the roof of a building. Wolfie looked up at the roof, to see Gwen staring put at the ocean. Wolfie stared up at her, in a seemingly thoughtful daze before snapping back into reality and rushing into the building. They knew how clumsy Gwen was even weeks after meeting her. They definitely wasn't going to test her now. After ages, Wolfie reached the top of the stairs and climbed up to see Gwen on the ground like a cat ready to pounce on it's prey. Before they could call out to her, she lifted her hand to the horizon, and the water rippled. Slowly, it started to rise, like a mountain forming and rose to her hand.
"Shut up! Just shut up! " Gwen randomly screamed, covering her ears. The water, seemingly growing angry as well, splashed all over her. Wolfie looked around, thinking she had got pushed away by the aggressive current but she was nowhere to be seen. Gwen had got pulled away into the ocean.

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