Chapter 7

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Luca POV

As I entered the dinning room, the sweet aroma of the food hit my nostrils. The smell gave me nostalgic feeling, a particular memory  I tried really hard to forget. I whistled to push the memory away. I sat at the head of the table like I normally did. Domenico was already seated and Matteo sat after me. He complimented her on the food which irritated me more than I'd like to admit. Then the fool went further to say he could eat her cooking forever. Which irritated me even more.  I told him to marry her then I slapped myself mentally, why did i say that?
I didn't even realize I was frowning until Matteo drawed my attention to it. That fool never know when to shut up. Soon we were bickering over the dinner table like spoiled brats. After I finished eating I went to my office and poured myself a drink. Dinner was very delicious it reminded me of my mother's cooking. Which brought back bitter sweet memories that I wanted to forget. Damn I hate my father. That sick sadistic bastard. I downed my drink. I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in"
Matteo entered.
"Boss Kiah is going home now"
I simply nodded and he left my office. Kiah what am I gonna do with you?.

Kiah Pov

As my dad drove us home there was total silence. My mom sat in the front seat with her back tensed. The atmosphere was heavy. After we arrived home and got inside the house my mom broke the silence.
"How was work did they hurt you?"
"Work was ok, no mom they did not hurt me I barely saw Luca and his men".
"That's a relief to hear".
My dad had a guilty look on his face. But who could blame him all this is his fault.
"Good night mom and dad".
I went to my room to get ready for bed. I was totally exhausted. Am glad the mafia men enjoyed their meals. Even thou Luca did not say anything I know he was pleased. He did not seem like the type to spear other people's feelings. If the food was not satisfactory he would have said so. Matteo was open with his compliments which did not surprise me. However, silent Hulk helping me clear the table was a shocker. Maybe there is more to these men than what meet the eyes. I pulled the covers down and got into bed. As I drifted off to sleep I thought about blue eyes in a handsome face.
Ok my lovelies I know this chapter is short but I just wanted to give you guys their Povs.
Don't forget to vote..😆

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