Chapter 22

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*********WARNING this chapter contains mention of human trafficking, child abuse and rape. If these are a trigger for you please skip this chapter. I do not agree with any of this and it is not my intention to glorify it. If you or anyone you know is a victim of any of the above please report to your nearest police station.***********

Kiah's POV

I opened the door and it was none other than Luca. He had a look on his face that I could not understand. 

"Can I come in?"


I moved from the door so he could enter. After he came in he stood by the window and inhaled deeply. 


He turned to face me.

"Angel I have something to tell you, I wanted to tell you at dinner but I was scared that you wouldn't like me afterward".

"I already know you are a don. There is nothing else you can tell me to make me like you less"

He sighed and sat on a chair near the bed. I sat done on the bed at an angle that I could face him.

"Just get it off your chest"

He inhaled deeply again.

"My dad was the former mafia don and I took his throne by force. Growing up he was no father to me. He used to beat me mercilessly for no reason at all. When I was 8 he taught me carried me to the basement, strapped me to a chair, and tortured me to the point where I passed out. He said he was doing all this with hopes of me becoming a strong mafia don like him one day. He also taught me how to fire a gun. Nevertheless, to him I was a wimp and weak. There were days he would leave me tied up with no food or water. But luckily Leo would hide and sneak me something to eat when he could".

"Oh Luca," I said and rubbed his arm.

"My dad was into human trafficking and prostitution. He trafficked kids and teenagers, there were no lines he would not cross. My mom was from Haiti as you already know. When my mom was 11 she came to the USA on a family vacation. My dad saw her and had to have her so he kidnapped and kept her as his woman. My mom gave birth to me when she was 12 years old".

"Jesus Christ" I did not know what to say. I know it took a lot of guts for him to tell me all this. It looked like he was fighting an inner battle to keep going.

"My so-called dad had 7 other of his women living under the same roof as us. I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse but I was the only child he could father. Trust me he planted enough seeds in multiple women to have many sons. Unfortunately, I was the only flower that bloomed. So I got all of his unwanted attention and grooming. My mom was the sweetest soul ever. She would sing to me and make me dishes of her culture. She was a great cook by the way and there was nothing she couldn't cook. Her food was full of flavor she loved me and I loved her. When I was 13 years old my dad had sex with my mom in front of me and made me watch. He said this was a reminder that all women are whores and sex is their only purpose on earth. He also said that I should never get attached to them because it will make me weak".

"Luca you don't have to recall all this to me if you do not want to"

"I want to because I want relationship with you, so there should be no secrets between us. You need to know my origin in order to understand why I am the monster I am today". 

I nodded and he proceeded with his origin story. 

"My mom was my dad's youngest woman and the prettiest. So naturally the other women were jealous of her. What made matters worse was the fact that she gave him a son. The other women use to bully my mom. The worst of them all was Caralina and she was the oldest as well. She gave my mom the hardest chores and time a day. One day we had visitors from a neighboring mafia gang over. My dad brought some of the prostitutes that he owned to the house for the visitors. Carolina was in charge of directing the visitors to the rooms that held the prostitutes. However, she directed one of them to my mother's room. My mom tried to fight him off but she was no match when I heard her scream I ran to her room. When I saw him on top of her trying to take her clothes off I shot him in the head. The shot drew my dad and some of the visitors unwanted attention. My dad was not pleased with my actions. He said I disrespected his guests, so to prove a point he shot my mom in the head right there and then. The visitors were well pleased. I was only 15 years old at the time."

Tears were streaming down my cheeks at this point. How could a human be so cold his own flesh and blood and the mother of his child? Luca held my hand and squeezed it.

"I did not allow myself to cry or mourn my mother's death because then the anger would leave me. But I needed it to fuel my vengeful heart and it did. I plotted my revenge for 3 years and I persuaded a few of my dad's men to team up with me. It was hard because I had different ideals from my sadistic father and most of the men that followed him were just as sick. So I recruited most of my men from outside including Domenico and Matteo. At 18 years old I overthrew my dad and killed him. I made him suffer and die a slow torturous death. I beheaded Carolina and threw her body into the streets like the piece of trash she was. The mafia gang that visited the night my mom was killed, I murdered them all, even the members of the gang that were not there that night".

I grasped this was a lot to take in. Luca tortured and killed his dad. Even though all those people he killed deserved it I don't think I would have such a heart to commit such a gruesome act. But the lives Luca and I lived are as different as day is to night. I had loving dad who loved and treated me right. 

"Everyone who knows the full story of what happened that led up to that day is dead. So as rumors traveled the story was twisted and people said I murdered my parents in cold blood so I could take over my dad's mafia. I did not try to rectify the story because to me I did kill my mom. If I had not shot the visitor she would still be alive."

"Luca don't say that. You did not kill your mom. You did what anyone else in your position would have done. In your mom's eyes your a hero, you saved her from being raped. Please don't blame yourself for her death".

I gave him a small kiss on the lips.

"Because I was only 18 and I had to prove myself to other mafia gangs to ally with them. I had to be cold and ruthless and I killed many people from different mafia gangs in order to make an example out of them and to gain respect. I had no one and nothing to live for, it made me vicious.  Everything I did back then is the reason why people call me the devil today".

I was utterly speechless. 

"I am telling you all this so you can know why I am who I am today."

"Is your past the reason why you don't want kids?"

"No, and yes. I want kids but I can't father any. After my dad found out he couldn't have any more kids he took out his frustration on me and he... beat me in the balls and it caused me to have hypogonadism". 

Everything he told me was heavy but looking at Luca I realized this was the most difficult thing for him to tell me. 

Luca's POV

She is the first person I have ever told about my past. Not even Matteo or Domenico knows the full story about my past. But this angel has touched my heart and my very soul. When I am with her I don't feel like such a monster. It's as if she chases my demons away. I don't have to act tough in front of her or prove myself. I can just be normal. After I told her I couldn't have kids I held my breath as I awaited her response.

"It's ok Luca I still like you and I want a relationship with you"

She hugged me real tight as if she thought I was going to disappear.  I held her back as if my life depended on it. I was scared God would take her back to heaven because she was truly heaven-sent. I stood no chance in this battle of falling in love with her.


Another chapter my lovelies. I am trying to update as much as I can before school re-opens. It really pained my heart to write this chapter but I wanted everyone to know why Luca is called the devil and why he hates his dad so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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